HomeTechThe Magento Advantage: 8 Benefits of Magento 2

The Magento Advantage: 8 Benefits of Magento 2

Magento 2 has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms. It allows you to create a full-featured website in mere minutes. It also has a variety of extensions that you can use to make your e-commerce website look great and easy to use. Magento 2 has plenty of benefits that make it hard to resist.

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Perfect Magento Edition

Improved Performance & Scalability

Magento 2 is better than its predecessor since it comes with enhanced indexing that improves performance and minimizes errors. This strategy is used to take all of your data from the catalog, prices, stores, and users by creating indexes and updating them regularly. This helps improve the performance and scalability of your website. Magento 2 also uses Vanish cache, the HTTP accelerator technology that makes it possible to cache information.

This means that more than one admin user can create and edit products without data issues. The reason for Magento 2’s improved scalability and performance is that it improves the efficiency of your backend operations. It optimizes each of your web pages for faster loading. It also enhances the flexibility and scalability so it can handle peak demand loads.

Updated Checkout Process

The checkout process is imperative to e-commerce merchants since it’s how you get sales. Most customers don’t make a purchase due to the complicated checkout process. Sixty-nine percent of customers abandon their shopping carts, according to a survey. Shopping cart abandonment happens for many reasons, including a slow checkout process and fewer payment options and shipping options.

Magento 2 has an improved checkout process that only includes two steps: shipping and payment. These steps are found on the following pages. This simple two-step process improves the checkout process as well as the customer service experience. You can also integrate your preferred payment method in Magento 2.

Mobile Responsive

Customers no longer just shop on their computers. You can shop on various devices such as laptops, smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets. Now is a good time to make sure your e-commerce website is mobile responsive. Eighty percent of customers own a smartphone while 62% of those customers have made a purchase on a smartphone in the past six months.

Magento 2 comes with a mobile responsive design as well as a mobile-friendly checkout and themes. You can create e-commerce websites that support different devices include smartphones on various size screens. You can also create a mobile-responsive app to attract some of these mobile customers. Magento 2 has made it possible to increase your conversion rate and to increase business.

Easy Upgrades

If you already own an e-commerce store, you need one that comes with easy upgrades. Not upgrading your website puts it at risk of potential bugs, cyber attacks, data breaches, and hackings. When your e-commerce platform is not up to date, you’ll become prone to security issues which can exploit your website. These bugs and issues can slow down your website and allow attackers to break into it and steal all of your data.

Thankfully, Magento 2 comes with easy upgrades. Not a moment goes by when there are updates and security patches that help your e-commerce site stay secure. These upgrades help improve the online shopping experience. When you increase the customer experience, you’ll increase sales with ease.

Key Integrations

Magento extentions allow you to carry out activities on your e-commerce website. Most of these extensions and plug-ins improve the features and functionalities. It allows you to create your website however you want. Some of the most popular Magento extentions include various payment processors such as Braintree and PayPal. Not only does it improve the customer experience, but it also increases sales.

Instant Purchases

With instant purchases, customers are able to place orders quickly and easily without having to go through the regular checkout process. When someone visits your website and makes an instant purchase, they are sent to a page where they can automatically place their order. This feature uses Braintree Vault which reduces the time it takes to place an order.

This is ideal for mobile shoppers since they can shop on the go. It also promotes impulse shopping since customers can make online purchases without having to go through the checkout process. Since eighty-eight percent of Americans are impulsive online shoppers this allows e-commerce merchants to take advantage of this feature to increase sales.

E-Mail Marketing Automation

Magento 2 has a feature called dotmailer e-mail marketing automation that allows you to create campaigns with just a few clicks. This allows you to create ad campaigns through e-mail, Push, SMS, and other content channels. You can also keep track of all of your marketing campaigns through your Magento dashboard. The great thing about this feature is that it’s simple to use and it provides 24/hour support if you have any problems. You can even take advantage of the 14-day free trial before making a commitment.

Advanced Reporting

Reporting is imperative to your ecommerce business. This advanced reporting feature provides you with 20 reports through the web interface found in your Magento Admin. It gives you details about each of your customers, orders, and products. This report is updated on a regular basis to show you the latest information. It also provides you with the data, insight, and metrics that help you take better control of your ecommerce business.

Magento 2 has plenty of attractive benefits. It comes with an improved checkout process, improved performance and scalability, and is mobile friendly. It comes with easy upgrades so your e-commerce store is always safe and secure with its latest features and extensions. Now is a good time to upgrade so you can take advantage of these benefits.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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