HomeGadgets4 Travel Tips for Creating GoPro Timelapse Videos

4 Travel Tips for Creating GoPro Timelapse Videos

When you genuinely enjoy traveling, and you want to take amazing pictures of different beautiful sceneries, the best gadget to use is a GoPro. Although you can use your mobile phone to take shots, GoPro provides photos with higher quality and resolution. It is also tiny, which makes it easy to bring along as you wander around.

The TImelapse Function

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There are various techniques you can use when taking photos or videos, but one that stands out would be the time-lapse function. Time-lapse videos are incredibly popular around the world, especially amongst people who love to travel. It allows travelers to share their exciting adventures around the world in a unique way. Using this function will enable you to put together various pictures taken every few seconds for an extended period.
GoPro offers you the option to make time-lapse videos instantly after the shoot. To maximize GoPro timelapse, here are some tips for you:

1. Use the time-lapse video option instead of the time-lapse photo option. With the video option, after you press the stop button, GoPro processes all the shots directly into a video which would save you time.

2. Opt to have a tripod. Although these gadgets already have built-in image stabilization feature, some other factors such as wind could ruin the flow of the video.

3. Think long and hard about your subject. A time-lapse video should be of places where many things are happening, such as a plaza center or a mall. If you choose to take a video of a landscape, then select a day when many clouds are floating by.

4. Use an online time-lapse calculator to save time. When making a GoPro timelapse video, you may have to consider other factors such as SD card memory requirements or power requirements for your whole project.

If you follow all these tips in making your GoPro timelapse videos, you will surely end up with amazing results.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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