HomeHome ImprovementThings You Need to Check if you're Going to Turn Your House...

Things You Need to Check if you’re Going to Turn Your House Into Your Dream Home

You’re up for a total home makeover, but are anxious about taking the first step? It’s a long road between the initial idea and the end result. It’s an adventure, no doubt, but how fun it will be mostly depends on the course of action you take.

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Even with a meticulous plan, something may go awry. Many a homeowner ends up realizing their dining room is the wrong color after the work is done.
Preparation is key. By knowing what to do before the first wall comes down, you’ll be one step ahead of the game.

dream house

1. Put Everything on Paper

No offense to tradesmen, contractors, or suppliers here, but sometimes people don’t really pay close attention and mistakes are made. At the end of the day, you don’t want the wrong tub size to show up at your door or get your warranties misplaced.
Throughout your home renovation, there might be some hiccups. Jotting everything down on a piece of paper can save you a lot of time and money along the way.

2. How Much Can You Afford to Spend?

If you have already set your budget, accept the fact that you will most likely go over it. Some expenses will be bigger than your first thought. You wouldn’t want to cut corners on your dream house.

But on the other hand, you don’t want to end up throwing money into a bottomless pit. Be prepared to spend an extra 20% on unexpected issues.
To make sure you’ll stay close to your budget, again, write down where every penny is going once the spending starts. But first, do as much window shopping as you can. Talk to a friend who’s remodeled their home recently and compare notes.

3. Beware of Damp and Rot

You might be thinking those water marks on your walls will be gone for good when the remo is done. However, damp can continue to plague your house if the root cause hasn’t been fixed. If you have damp, you’ll have to deal with it first before starting anything.

Blocked drains, leaking gutters and bad ventilation are common damp causes that aren’t that costly to remedy. Mortar pointing and cement render are some less obvious and less common causes. However, they can put a big dent in your budget – big enough to make you postpone the whole project.
Timber can also be a victim of bad ventilation. Check for rot under floorboards in old houses and in the roof space. It’s typically accompanied by a strong, musty smell.
Check for cotton wool-type masses as well. Getting rid of rot costs about $1,500. Wet rot shouldn’t pose much of a problem.

4. Subsidence

Depending on their size and depth, cracks can spell trouble. Cracks in plaster by a doorway or window, or in just a single brick, are typically not a sign of subsidence. See if there are any cracks that appear to follow a pattern.

Bigger cracks that stem from smaller ones, especially ones that get wider in the corners of door openings and windows, and cracks that go through several bricks might be a cause for concern. Cracks on the exterior of the house that are more than 1/10 of an inch wide are another possible indication of subsidence. Be on the lookout for windows and doors that have begun to stick.

Aside from the physical damage it can cause, subsidence also might stop you from getting building insurance. You’ll end up having to cover the cost of treatment yourself, then get insurance, which will probably have a big premium.

If there is subsidence, it’s possible that you’ll just need to fix the drains or remove the trees. However, if your house has already begun to fail, it might require underpinning. If that’s the case, you’re looking at an extra $15,000 of expense.

5. Pick out the Appliances

See what kitchen appliances you’d want to get. Getting the appliances first will make things much easier on you and your contractor. For example, it’s best to have your cooktop/range already onsite for the countertop templating. You can start ordering cabinets once you know the dimensions of your appliances.

This especially goes for built-in appliances. They are an excellent choice for those that plan on settling for good and not moving house. However, they aren’t the most affordable choice.

Stainless-steel is all the rage these days. It’s not only modern but also resistant to water, rust, and scratches, which will save you money in the long run. The sleek appearance of stainless-steel appliances gives you numerous options when it comes to everything else in the kitchen.
Tailoring the style of your kitchen according to your appliances is easier than the other way around. Still, you should take some precautions.
Don’t forget to think about things like fire ducts and insulation, smoke alarms, burglar alarms or security systems, and all the other amenities that are not classed as appliances, but that also need to take up space, have access to your electrical lines, and work in the layout you are designing.

Look for appliances that come with a warranty that starts at installation, instead of delivery. A renovation can take half a year, and you wouldn’t want to find out one of your appliances is faulty after the warranty has expired.

Find a safe storage place where you can keep them until the work is done. The store could hold on to them for you, but the store could also go bankrupt. If that happens, the liquidators will seize everything, even the appliances you have already paid for.

6. Vet the Contractor

Word of mouth won’t be good enough, nor will online references and reviews, even though they are all extremely helpful. Get into full homeland security mode and do a full background check. Make sure your contractor has the following:

1. Contractor’s license
2. Bond number and certification
3. Lien history
4. Certificate of insurance for general liability and workers’ comp
5. Don’t let the starting “honeymoon” phase get the better of you and prepare yourself for the less dreamy days that will ensue soon after. Insist 6. on an airtight contract that will include the following:
7. Details on all the work
8. Potential penalties for missed deadlines
9. Timeline
10. Payment schedule (the final payment should be completed only when you are absolutely satisfied)

That way, you will let the contractor know you mean business and ensure your protection. There’s no better way to deter sketchy contractors who prefer vague language and little to no details.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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