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Why Working from Home is More Productive?

Working from home is a good idea because there are so many benefits from that. There is no need to face traffic in morning office time, no boss looking over your shoulder as you try to clear your remaining work in the afternoon. There are so many advanced technologies are available in the world for work from home and it is like a trend nowadays.

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working from home

Research studies say that working from home for the right people can increase productivity and decrease stress. Even the company suggests their employees work from home for their benefits by saving electricity, Internet, and phone line cost. There are some disadvantages of working from home, so I suggest rent a virtual office, it will be cheap and no need to buy an office for a business address. With the help of a virtual office, you can get a legal business address with an affordable rate.

Tips for Working from Home

Wake up early:
When you are working in an office your office timing and morning commute can help you wake up and ready to work by the office time. At home, you are too lazy to wake up and start work by office timings because there is no boss or the senior person waiting for you. The best solution is to wake up early and make a coffee and start working immediately. Only start your breakfast when you need a break. I am sure you will be done lots of work in the morning hours.

Make a timetable like office hours:
If you work from home then you are your own personal manager. Without taking anyone advice try to schedule your day depends on your requirements. With the help of this, you can focus on your work. If you have a habit of forgetting things then use an online calendar for creating events and reminders that tell you when to start a new work or deadline of pending works.

Don`t stay at home:
Are you enjoying your home office? If not then take your laptop and mobile phone and go to libraries, public lounges, coffee shop and similar place with Wi-Fi- enabled. You can stay productive even when you work from places like this without sitting at your home office.

Commit yourself to do more work:
The project always takes a long time then you initially think they will. So, just commit yourself to complete the work on time and also encourage yourself.

Pros and Cons of Work from Home

Advantages of work from home:

Save Money:
With the help of work from home, you can see an immediate difference in your bank account because you don’t need to pay the higher cost of travelling from your home to the office. You will also find the other savings like you do not need to wear a suit or polish your shoe every day. If it is not your style then no need to make separate wardrobes for work. Furthermore, you can also save on food cost because you will able to make food on your own.

You can design your own office:
If you work from home it doesn’t mean you have to make your living room as your office with a desk, monitor and a rolling chair. You can arrange your office wherever it fits in your home. I read one case study and in that, it is said that one remote worker use his kitchen as an office.

An office can be anywhere:
If you are not comfortable to work at home that doesn’t mean your other location can be a coffee shop rather you can go to your nearest garden with your laptop and work in the garden with the fresh air and good environment. If you are a traveller then also you can work in the car or on the bus with the use of your laptop.

Schedule your time on your own:
The main benefit of the work from home is you can schedule your time with your flexibility. For example, if you are a software developer or web designer, you can most likely do your work whenever you would like to do as long as you meet your deadlines and requirements. So, if you are night owls then you can complete your working hours without starting at 8 AM.

Avoid office politics:
The office politics situation occurs in most workplaces. You are not the best friend with everyone when you are working remotely. One of the best solutions to this problem is to communicate with your boss, try to choose friends carefully and don’t gossip with your colleague.

Disadvantages of working from home:

Communication problems:
One of the biggest issues of work from home is communications. If you are doing work from home then you have to use the internet, phone lines and other communication systems to communicate with your clients or other employees. Sometimes weather issue occurred so, at that time you are not able to communicate with your client.

Lack of office equipment:
The 33% survey of participants who work from home tell that if your work depends on specialized equipment like high-speed multifunction printer, fax machine, high configured laptop and tower computer with multiple monitors then it is difficult to do work from home.

Loss of Productivity:
60% of workers say that children and family demanding attention is one of the big issues of work from home. So, just because of their distraction you lose your productivity. If you are at your home then you will like to watch Netflix or play virtual reality games so, it is also affecting your productivity.

Security Issue:
This is the main concern of work from home. You have too much security at your office like firewall and costly antivirus but when you work at home and the work is confidential then it is not affordable to buy costly antivirus to protect your work from IP hackers. The solution to this problem is you can use a VPN or a password manager for your work.

Waiting for an answer

If you like to do work from home and you need any help from your boss or colleagues at that time you face waiting for an answer situation. When you try to reach your boss but if they are not available then you are waiting for the response.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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