HomeTech12 Important Tools When Starting a Podcast

12 Important Tools When Starting a Podcast

While podcasting is essentially sharing your insights about certain things with the world, don’t forget that it involves technicality. There is a lot of technical stuff that goes into the making of a podcast, and if you want to record one or appreciate listening to it, you must know about what all goes into making one. It is not just speaking that matters; a lot goes on behind the scenes to make that perfect audio available to you. Here is a list of some tools that are required while starting a podcast. So, without further ado, let’s explore the article below.

1. Desktop/Laptop

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You need to have a desktop or a laptop that works at a decent speed to make a good podcast. Since things have moved on to iPad and tablets, it’s really useful to have a mobile stand. It would just increase the quality of your podcast, and that plays an essential role. Everyone likes a good sounding podcast and you using a good desktop would unquestionably get things moving for better.

2. Recorder

This the most basic tool required. Your voice is your asset in a podcast, and it needs to be recorded in the best possible way. While you can use the recorder on your desktop and laptop too, a good standalone recorder would escalate things for better. If you can get a good recorder, you can place it at any place and record it, and you wouldn’t need to be stuck in one place.

3. Editing Tool

Let’s state facts now, you are always going to say more than required while recording, or you are going to say something that does not sound right. You can fix all of this using a good editing tool and you can remove unnecessary echo on your podcast using EchoRemover 2. A good editing tool will help you edit and make it seamless. The audience will not feel disconnected while listening to you. A badly edited podcast might end you up losing clients.

4. Microphone

A microphone is required if you want to be crystal clear and the sound to be loud. By adding a microphone, you are ensuring that people can hear you easily even when playing that podcast on loud. Your motive should always be making things easy for a listener, and a good microphone certainly does that. Don’t forget to use that microphone wisely.

5. Headphones

To be frank, this is not the most essential of tools, but if you feel comfortable hearing what you have said, then this is indeed a good tool. If you have multiple people on podcast connected virtually, this becomes quite essential. You surely want to hear what is being said and a good set of headphones will facilitate that. Besides, you’d want to hear your podcast to test its authenticity.

6. Hosting Website

If you have worked this hard to make a podcast, work a little more to find a perfect podcasting website. You have to consider basic things when deciding the same like, what audience does the website cater to, is that the correct audience for your podcast, does it have a wider reach, is it easily accessible, does it maintain the quality of your podcast. Make sure you think of everything and then decide.

7. Noise Cancelling Tool

Some filters help cancel background noise. If you can indulge, do it for the cancellation. If something helps you cancel out everything else except your voice, that will be the best tool you can lay your hands on. Clearer the podcast, more the people wanting to listen to it. Your voice is of utmost importance, and this tool helps you enhance it.

8. Skype For Interaction

If you are involved in interactive podcasts, Skype will be required. You want to be connected, and Skype is the easiest way. Say you want to take an interview on your podcast, Skype will help you with that. It is easily available, user-friendly and pretty good. This would be your go-to tool should you want other people to join in. This can come in handy even for a simple offline connect with anyone for the podcast.

9. Podcasting Website

You might want to have your website down the line. If your work has clicked well, be your own host. Give people the sole place for your work by making your URL. You can get your podcasts reviewed without hiccups if you have a website. Getting your website will help you create a niche and you can use it for everything.

10. Good Phone/Tablet

I mentioned about having a desktop or laptop. This is a substitute. There is nothing a phone can’t do if used wisely. You can make your podcasts on it, upload it through it and promote it too, all through your phone. Just make sure to have a good one. It should be quick, easy and classy. Just ensure you have a good phone. Lastly, don’t forget to get your phone or tablet/iPad a good movable iPad stand to ensure it is stable when recording.

11. Social Media Reach

Merely recording a podcast is not enough; you need to promote it. You need social media both before and after your podcast is out. First, you need it to gauge the interest and create the hype; later you need it to promote and pitch your podcast out for everyone to listen to. Make sure you have a good and healthy social media reach. Make your podcast USP shine; it will help you.

12. Mixer

This is not the most essential of tools you need while starting a podcast, but you need a perfect mixer if you use two separate microphones. In order to mix the recordings and make them mix well so that they don’t seem disrupted, you will need a good mixer. It will essentially eliminate the evidence that there was any disruption during the recording. With a mixer, you won’t need to worry about it as it will do the job for you.


These are some tools that you’ll need when starting a podcast. While getting them all is not essential and shouldn’t be your priority, there are some that you absolutely can’t miss. I hope this list will help you decide that.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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