HomeTech5 Good Reasons to Use a Dedicated IP in 2019

5 Good Reasons to Use a Dedicated IP in 2019

The question of whether or not you should use a dedicated or a shared IP often brings up some confusion. An IP address is a unique sequence of numbers that serves to identify the location of a specific device. A shared IP address, as its name suggests, is shared among many different users, which comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Deciding whether or not to invest in a dedicated IP can be a challenge.

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However, keep in mind that dedicated IPs allow more control over the server and offer more benefits compared to shared ones. As your website grows and starts receiving more traffic, it will become necessary to upgrade to a dedicated IP plan to provide more storage space and better site performance. Here’s a list of the benefits that come along with using a dedicated IP.

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#1 Dedicated IPs Can Improve Email Deliverability

Shared IP addresses can often cause email deliverability issues due to a heavy load on the server. When many people are using the same server, it tends to slow down. This can cause your emails to become compromised, especially if another user on the same server sends a lot of emails at the same time. When running a business, it is important to know whether an email has reached its destination. With a dedicated IP address, you are the only user on the server, so there is no need to worry about poor email deliverability. Otherwise, issues such as delays or canceled emails can cause many headaches to a business owner.

#2 Having More Control Over the Server

While shared servers are often overwhelmed, dedicated ones offer a lot more flexibility and control – https://nordvpn.com/features/dedicated-ip/. With a dedicated IP plan, users can manage their server remotely as well as upload files and create file sharing servers. Dedicated servers are also a good solution for gamers who want to host online games on their own dedicated gaming server. Besides, having an entire server to yourself means you can play games and surf the web with a very high level of performance.

#3 The Ability to View and Edit a Website via IP Address

Users who have a dedicated IP address can access their website without a domain. Usually, those who share IPs need to set up a domain name to be able to proceed with website design. In this case, users can view the website via IP addresses only, which is quite useful if you want to build the site before coming up with a domain name. After all, once you purchase a domain name you’ve made a year-long commitment. That’s why it’s always better to have some room to think about it before you make a move.

#4 Better Security Due to SSL

It is well-known that dedicated IPs offer better security compared to shared IPs. Opting for a dedicated IP means that you will need an SSL certificate to increase the level of security. With SSL certificate being a requirement for dedicated IPs, users are most definitely going to benefit from better online security. After all, security is one of the most important aspects when it comes to choosing a server and a hosting plan, especially for those who run a business.

#5 Improved Site Performance

Last but not least, one of the most important benefits of using a dedicated IP is the fact that it will improve the performance of your site. Dedicated IPs come with dedicated servers, which means one user has sole ownership of the server that is being used. Therefore, there are no hundreds of other users overwhelming the server as they do on shared hosting plans. Instead, you get to take advantage of the entire bandwidth and all server controls. Websites built on dedicated servers and IPs load faster and perform far better compared to those built on shared hosting solutions.


Shared IP addresses are the more common solution because they are cheaper and easier to manage. However, once a business starts growing exponentially and increasing its reach, you will need to upgrade to a dedicated IP address and server to maintain excellent site performance and reputation.
A dedicated IP address will not only make your business look more professional. It will also help improve the overall user experience on your site by increasing loading speed and improving performance. If you’re building a website that is not guaranteed to have enormous amounts of traffic in the first week of going live, it is acceptable to go for the shared hosting solution. However, owners whose sites receive more traffic and host more content such as video and photo materials are recommended to upgrade to dedicated IPs. This will increase their storage space and provide them a separate server to keep everything running smoothly.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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