HomeTechCan Remote Workers Bring Risk to Your Company’s Cybersecurity?

Can Remote Workers Bring Risk to Your Company’s Cybersecurity?

Working remotely has been a rising trend for the last couple of years. Businesses can benefit from hiring remote workers because this strategy allows them to build a great team regardless of employees’ location. However, as convenient as it is to enable people to work remotely, it can also bring many security risks. Remote workers use tablets, laptops, and mobile devices as their main tools to get things done. These devices can pose a great threat to your business, especially if used in public spaces where WiFi networks are unprotected. With that said, here are five tips to improve online security and make sure remote workers do the same.

#1 Avoid Public WiFi and Open Networks

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Remote workers often take their devices to coffee shops and public places where they can get the work done. While this might sound convenient, it poses a threat to their security system, which can compromise the overall security of the company they work with. Public WiFi is open and unprotected, which means anyone who has the right tools can intercept people’s online activities and steal data. This leaves the employee and the company exposed to countless security threats, including data theft and malware distribution. The best way to reduce the risk is to encourage employees to use a VPN.

#2 Always Use a VPN

A virtual private network should be used at all times, especially while connected to public networks. A VPN routes all traffic from your device to a secured router where all data gets encrypted. This kind of encryption makes it impossible for hackers or third parties to get their hands on confidential data or credentials. Besides security, a VPN offers other benefits such as the ability to access content unavailable in your region. Make sure to encourage all remote workers associated with your company to use a VPN to protect both their personal and the company’s data. Get one for Android here.

#3 Engage in Cybersecurity Training Sessions

The most common reason why remote workers are considered a threat to a business is that they are often not aware of the risks. While some of them are simply careless, some might not be familiar with the whole idea of cybersecurity and the risk behind using open networks and sharing data. The best way to battle this issue is to organize cybersecurity training sessions and educate the workers on the importance of keeping their devices secured. Holding cybersecurity meetings at least once a month will help raise awareness among employees and reduce the risk of human error.

#4 Secure Your Devices

Besides using a VPN, it is important to secure all devices associated with the company by keeping operating systems and software up to date. Updating systems and applications is called endpoint security. The easiest way to implement it is to install antivirus software and security applications that will allow you to scan the device for any unwanted malware or security threat. To make sure no sensitive data is exposed, all company-owned devices should be up to date. Don’t forget to ask your remote workers to take care of endpoint security on their personal devices.

#5 Limit Employee’s Access to the Network

One last thing you can do to reduce security risks associated with remote workers is to limit employee’s access within the company’s network. The more access an employee has, the bigger the security risk. Hackers can use employee’s devices to create a backdoor into larger networks, causing your company data to be exposed and potentially exploited. The best way to deal with this issue is to allow the employees to have access only to those parts of the network that are relevant to their tasks. Consider installing a user access review software for this purpose.


While hiring remotely is becoming a new standard, it is important to keep all the potential security risks in mind. Remote employees might not be aware of the risks and security issues they can cause. It is your job as the business owner or supervisor to educate them on the importance of online security and encourage them to take the right safety measures. Start by requesting all employees to use a VPN, especially in public and unprotected networks. Don’t forget to take care of endpoint security and make sure all devices are up to date. The best way to keep track of security measures and employees is to organize monthly or even weekly cybersecurity meetings and discuss all potential risks and threats they might’ve come across.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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