HomeDevelopmentWhy You Can’t Ignore Node JS in the Tech Era

Why You Can’t Ignore Node JS in the Tech Era

We all know that open-source software is a web developer’s dream. Especially if its Javascript we’re talking about. This arena in the tech industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, like none other. Web developers are hungry for more, and a veritable qualification in Node JS training seems to be the ultimate feather in the cap. Node JS as open-source software has earned itself the reputation of being one of the most sought after and widely applied software solutions. Node JS is a cross-platform, Javascript runtime environment, that is largely used to develop server-side applications. The V8 engine developed by Google that is used in its Chrome functionality is a classic example of this. The question that plagues every developer’s mind, however, is whether a Node JS Course is worth investing in. Let’s understand and explore the dynamics of Node JS and why it is so important in terms of application and use.

With Node JS You Can Write Programs On Javascript On Both Front End And Back End

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It is a versatile language that allows itself to be used on both the client and the server-side. In the earlier days, programmers used to constantly be at loggerheads with each other as different programming languages were used on the front-end as well as back-end. Now, with one common language working at both the ends, teams can put their heads together and work more efficiently. The tooling part becomes more adaptable, consistent, and widespread also.

From the developer’s point of view, undergoing a Node JS course can help him to acquaint himself with the entire gamut of program development. With this qualification under his belt, he/she becomes an asset to the team as a beginner.

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It Works At Lightning Speed

Node JS is fast, period. Its V8 engine, designed by Google, enables it to run applications at breakneck speeds, thus accomplishing more in less time. Node JS software developers need to exercise great caution while executing the coding, and when this is done successfully, Node JS will adhere to all the steps laid down.

The best part about Node JS is its event loop. The event here is a single thread that performs all input and output operations in an asynchronous manner. When Node JS uses an application to perform an input or output task, it sends the task to the event loop. Along with this, a call back function is also sent. Once the asynchronized task is complete, the rest of the program completes or executes using the call back function.


The Language Is Simple, Yet It Allows You To Build Powerful Applications

The powerful V8 engine from Google has allowed Javascript to be implemented at very high speeds. This is used, most notably, in Google’s very own Gmail, which is one of the most widely used email applications in the world. The success of this can be attributed to Node JS and its asynchronous architecture.

Also, there are many other companies that have undeniably reached the pinnacle of success by using the powerful Node JS open-source framework in their application building. Some of the notable examples are GoDaddy, eBay, Microsoft, LinkedIn, PayPal, and Walmart. PayPal has purportedly used Node JS in its account overview page. This has not only skyrocketed their traffic, but it has also reduced the response time by almost 35%. Writing Node JS is easy as the entire code can be chunked into miniature modules. Thus, changes made in one module need not be replicated on the other modules. This saves programmers a lot of time and money.

Its Popularity In Enterprise Applications

Node JS training has been acquired by almost globally. Node JS is being cleverly used and manipulated by fortune 500 companies in all their enterprise applications. Companies like Twitter have gone to the extent of re-writing their entire programming code just so they can incorporate Node JS. This has been done primarily to boost productivity, cut costs, enhance performance, and increase revenue.

Node continues to revel in not only building intricate enterprise applications, but it is also deploying its services in the use of IoT and microservices.

Node JS is effectively giving its competitors a veritable run for their money, as a game-changer. This has been attributed to its ability to write complex bite-sized code on both front-end and back-end sides, thus propelling it as a frontrunner in the web development business.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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