HomeBlog5 Incredible Digital Tools to Up Your Writing Game

5 Incredible Digital Tools to Up Your Writing Game

Some people have a knack for writing, others dislike toiling on the research papers for college or content for work. Fortunately, as technology continues to advance, there are now tools we can access online to improve our writing and make the process more enjoyable.

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digital tools

But with so many digital tools out there, which ones should you actually install? Read on as I show you the top five best digital tools to up your writing game!

The range of digital tools on the Internet is staggering. From a custom term paper writing service to software that corrects your grammar as you write, you can get everything online for better grades on your research papers or better sales copy on your e-commerce website!

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1. Kaizena

Kaizena is a FREE tool that coworkers, study group buddies, or students and educators can use together. It provides real-time feedback with voices so you’re able to collaborate even better if you’re unable to meet face-to-face. After all, listening to it feels better and more encouraging compared to reading seemingly impartial comments.

Instead of giving out written feedback, which can be confusing and seem cold and impersonal, you can leave voice comments along with the written ones. This encourages writers and gives them a clear detailed message on what parts of the text need to be improved.

2. DraftBack

Monitoring the way you write and going back to how you came up with a particular idea helps with the writing. Yet usual software like Word doesn’t provide a detailed revision history on the docs you’ve edited.

That’s where DraftBack comes along, so you’re able to play back any revisions you (or any other person) made. You can use these tools to reflect on your writing process, which helps you identify what you need to improve on. This way you can examine and monitor your progress, giving you an insight into your strengths and what you struggle with.

3. No Red Ink

Grammar is one of the most important factors to consider when writing. It helps readers to understand the message you want to convey, making it easier to read for everyone. However, nobody’s perfect and we have grammatical slipups here and there, which is why we go through the editing process.

To identify all your grammatical errors quickly, No Red Ink is the optimal grammar solution. Both teachers and students can benefit of this app! It provides the feedback and suggestions you need to improve your writing. Furthermore, it provides personalized and relevant recommendations to make your text well-written and compelling.

4. Virtual Debate

virtual debate
This is one of the most interesting projects today, with the platform created by Elissa Malespina and Melissa Butler. The project started as a way to combine technology with argumentative writing for students.

With Virtual Debate, one group will engage with another, selecting a topic based on the groups’ interests and passions. It can range from politics to sports. The groups will then digitally flip a coin to figure out their sides, and proceed to conducting research and formulating their arguments. They will then create an argumentative paper on the topic to be judged by experts all over the country.

5. Blogger

While blogging platforms like WordPress or Blogger don’t give you any grammatical suggestions, they expand your world! You get to connect with like-minded writers and an opportunity to share your thoughts with a wide audience.
You can hone your writing skills by thoughtful journaling or blogging food reviews – the choice is yours. You can use it as a way to practice and get suggestions from fellow bloggers and casual readers. Besides, blogging gives you the freedom to write what YOU want, learning the ins and outs of creativity.

Wrapping It Up

Hopefully, my list on the best digital tools for writing will help you to improve your skills! So try using any of these that fit you needs. If you have questions or want to share your own experiences on these digital tools, share them below. Your comments are much appreciated.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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