HomeBusiness6 Tips to Turn Up the Volume on Your Productivity at Work

6 Tips to Turn Up the Volume on Your Productivity at Work

With every passing moment, the need for being more productive becomes the most sought after commodity. The reason more people want to be productive is that we want to be able to do things faster and more efficiently so as to have more time in the end to engage in other activities.

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At work being productive means more time to spend on yourself and your loved ones. But as more and more work gets piled up on your desk, you start to wonder if having more time is just a big joke.


We’re constantly pushing our capacities saying “If only I could do more.” Is it really possible to do more within a short period of time? Is it possible to finish your work quickly so that you’ll have more time?

Studies have shown that this is possible. And with a little practice, use of clever tricks and handy tools, you can boost your productivity to the max.

Productivity Hacks

1. The 2-minute rule (on steroids)

The 2-minute rule is a simple rule which states that if a task will take you 2 minutes to do, then just do it, get it done and out of the way. Pretty simple, but if you want to hype up the volume on your productivity then you’re going to have to set the 2-minute rule on steroids.

Every task you’re given at work is made up of smaller tasks joined together. Most of those smaller tasks can actually be completed in about 2-minutes.

If you break down the task you’re given at work into very small 2-minute tasks, your productivity hits the roof.
The reason is simple. Finishing a task gives you a sense of accomplishment which makes you feel good and encouraged to do another. As you complete one small task after another you set in the momentum to do more smaller tasks. This will help you get your work done faster as you are more focused on completing the small tasks.

2. Work to get early breaks

You know how a break feels after a long day of hard work, right? What if getting early breaks makes you more productive?

Rewarding yourself is one of the best ways to make sure you get the work done. But if you reward yourself for getting the work done faster to get an early break, you’ll be done with your tasks quicker than you can say your name.
Having a reward at the end of every task gives you something to look forward to. The more interesting the reward, the better and the earlier you’ll get it if you amp up your speed.

Using the thought that you’ll get your reward earlier than you had expected if you work with a shorter period will not only help you be more productive, you’ll get your work done sooner than everyone else.

Productivity Tools

3. Toggl your time

There are so many productivity tools out there to choose from but one of the productivity tools that will make sure that every minute is well spent is Toggl.

The major reason you want to be more productive is to buy more time. Trading your time will keep you on check every time you’re at work.

Toggl will make you conscious of time. When you set a deadline for yourself, you find yourself trying to complete the task to meet your deadline. And Toggl keeps you right on point.

4. Brosix to amp up the teamwork

Working as a team can help you get work done quickly especially where there is division of labor. But when different people are working on different aspects of the project, shuffling through meetings or series of consultations can waste a lot of time and kill productivity.

Bridge the gap with Brosix where you can do all the meetings, consultations and brainstorming without leaving your seat. Brosix keeps you and everyone on your team connected. You’re able to send information, messages and even videos to make sure the work gets done without losing time in between.

Productivity Practices

5. Make work fun

Remember how it was like when you had to do your homework when you would have preferred to go out and hang out with friends? Homework looked like a chore to you. It was boring, long and tiring. Hanging out with friends was more fun, engaging and interesting. What if you turned it around and made work fun instead?

It is natural human response to want to stay away from something that you know will bore you to death. The best way to be more productive at work is to find something about your work that will make it more engaging and fun.
Mentally give yourself points for every item to tick off on your to-do list. Measure the amount of time it takes you to finish a project and challenge yourself to beat your time with at least one minute. See it as if you’re trying to cross the finish line with a new record.

6. Face work with high vibe and energy

The key to being productive is to have the right mindset and attitude towards your work. If you face work everyday with a can-do attitude and if you’re resolute that no matter the challenge you meet your work is going to be really easy, then you will get what you conceive in your mind.

Having a positive attitude and outlook to your work will make you more eager to face the day knowing that no matter what happens you’re going to be on top of your game. Sadly most workers come to work with horrible mindsets and say things like “I hate Mondays” or “It’s just another tiring Monday”. No wonder they slouch and get disinterested in work easily.

If you know deep down that you will win and you have the attitude and energy to match, then the sky is your limit to what you can do and how fast you can get it done.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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