HomeDevelopmentBootstrap V/S React: The Framework of Choice for Front End Developers

Bootstrap V/S React: The Framework of Choice for Front End Developers

As technology continues to make advancements in every field, web development too hasn’t stayed behind. There is a massive change in the way websites are being developed now compared to the ones that were developed a few years ago. Currently, we have a plethora of tools to choose from, and that’s not the end of it. The development of new tools and frameworks are flooding the space, thereby confusing developers about which framework to use.

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bootstrap vs react

Moreover, every business seeks perfection in their website. So, a website has to go through several changes, which again demands the development of better and modern front-end frameworks, tools, and libraries.

Businesses today are running at a pace faster than ever before. They are always on the lookout for front-end framework development that could enhance user interaction, efficiency, and overall aesthetics of a website. So, the bottom line is, nothing can be as effective as having a good front-end development choice to ensure the success of a web application.

There are so many to choose from that finding the right front-end framework for you can be a bit tricky. Bootstrap and React are both very popular options for many developers and are offering great compatibility with browsers. However, each has its own set of features and advantages. The following blog post gives an elongated overview of Bootstrap and React that could help you decide which one will work best for you.


Bootstrap is an open-source tool for the development of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It builds reactive mobile-first projects on websites with the world’s most popular front-end component library. It helps you in building your app with extensive pre built components, powerful plug-in built on JQuery, and a responsive grid system.

Bootstrap is one of the well known and popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks for developing responsive mobile websites. Moreover, the designs that are built by Bootstrap use CSS and HTML to resize, enlarge, hide, and shrink the content to make it look good. These designs also allow your web pages to work for computers, mobile phones, and tablets.

It’s a free front-end framework used for quicker web development. Bootstrap is defined as a collection of JavaScript functions and CSS classes that you can use to develop your website.

Bootstrap was initially developed by Twitter employees. It was introduced as an internal development tool to improve efficiency as well as consistency. Since then, it has become the most popular repository on the platform. It was introduced as the first update to feature responsive design capabilities.
Being a powerful and intuitive framework, Bootstrap contains many components such as popovers, navigation, alerts, dropdowns, iconography, etc.

# Easy to Use- By learning only the basics of HTML and CSS, anybody can start using Bootstrap.
# Browser Compatibility- It is compatible with all browsers like Opera, Chrome, Internet-explorer, Firefox, etc.
# It offers a uniform and clean solution for building an interface for developers.
# It is used to provide web-based customizations.
# With the help of Scaffolding, it gives a basic system with background, Grid system, and link styles.

There are various features available for Bootstrap. They are:

# It has the capability of Multi-screen support; the term associated with this is called “Responsive Design.”
# It has an amazing User Interface framework.
# It has a feature of “Grid Scaffolding” which is used for design purposes.
# It has CSS resetting for cross-browser compatibility.
# Bootstrap doesn’t add or replace the original data. Here, we use a term called “Bootstrap Distribution” in such a way that it helps estimate the variation in statistics based on the original data. It promotes a mobile-first approach to web design by providing a suite of templates and components that automatically render for use on any device.

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Developed by Facebook, React is a library that has revolutionized the way we think about applications. It borrows ideas from declarative, functional, and reactive programming to make highly interactive UI’s. React is also an open-source JavaScript library used in building user interfaces. It helps create or build handle state and props, components, utilize event listeners, etc. It also creates certain life cycle methods to update data as it changes. It combines HTML with the JavaScript function to create its markup language.

It has a package that contains only the necessary functions to define React components. The product version includes extra performance optimization, whereas the development version contains an extra warning about common mistakes. With this library, you can also deal with real-world projects. React uses a declarative approach to create as well as update your UI. It is all about composition. Here, you will learn the traditional way of writing software with Inheritance. You would also learn how to manage state more predictably in your application with React.

# It works with all browsers such as Firefox, IE, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Chrome, etc.
# It reduces the highly repetitive declarations in your CSS.
# It also helps in reducing the frequency.
# Usually, it uses components that are adjustable to your needs.
# It has the full support of the Flexbox layout system, which helps forget about the alignment issues.

It builds modern web applications with React. The UI components of React will help you build amazing web apps. It generally uses the most advanced UI framework to save your time for business logistics. It uses various UI components like Scheduler, Editor, Chart, Tree Grid, Grid, and many more. It provides a way to build desktop or mobile web applications. With the help of React and its framework, you can create multiple components. It gives way to build apps for any deployment target.

There are few reasons to choose React which are given in the following points:

# There are a lot of large programs that display a lot of changing data, where React performs the best. Therefore, it is scalable.
# As it is more flexible, you can use it in any of your interesting projects.
# Apps that are made by using React can handle complex updates. Still, it gives quick responses.

Some of the core components of React are as follows;

# JSX – It stands for JavaScript XML syntax transform, which helps in making the code faster and easier.

# Components – At the time of making an application, the application is broken into many components. Those components are reusable, interactive, etc.

# Unidirectional Data Flow – Here, the dataflow is from parent to children component by the state and props.

# Virtual DOM – It uses different algorithms to identify errors or bugs. Apart from creating new objects, it also identifies the change that takes place.

Bootstrap vs. React

The difference between Bootstrap and React are described in the following points:

# Bootstrap is compatible with all size screens, whereas React is suitable only for limited screens.
# Nowadays, React is ranked in the 19th position, while Bootstrap is ranked at number 2.
# React uses Google Chrome to develop or debug the code. On the other hand, Bootstrap uses all browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.
# React stores all the information or data in virtual DOM, whereas Bootstrap doesn’t support Virtual DOM.
# React is used only in India, but Bootstrap is used in many countries like the US, Russia, UK, and even India.
# While Front end developers may look for importing features on Bootstrap, React offers a powerful framework for those front-end developers.
# The React component model offers you more control over the form and function of each component. The Bootstrap components, however, don’t offer the same control for the functions.
# Bootstrap has better usage coverage including science, education, electronics, technology, business, consumer services, and health while React has the lead on any website.
# Bootstrap is defined as “the most popular, flexible, and simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for popular UI commands and interactions.” Whereas React is detailed as “React Native for OS X, which is built for desktop apps using React Native.”
# Bootstrap leads in top sites and the entire web. React JS is still behind Bootstrap in all market share segments.

Bootstrap is stated as the best with the most recent updates in Firefox, Opera, Safari Programs, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and some of these programs are not upheld on all platforms. Without a doubt, the future of vastly growing technologies like React is very bright.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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