HomeHome ImprovementHome Improvement Tips - A Step by Step Guide

Home Improvement Tips – A Step by Step Guide

“Living through a home renovation is like living in the wild, you do whatever it takes to survive” – Author Unknown

Amidst all the running around and the chaotic hectic schedules of day to day monotonous life, which is the one place that gives you all the mental peace? It goes without saying that your own abode, a home away from home is your turf which is where you return, at the end of a tiring day.

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As I grew up, I always witnessed my mother being the one who gave it her all to put each thing in its proper place and make a four-walled empty house into a loving and heavenly home. Probably at that time, things like this were not appreciated, and I always wondered why to spend so much time on upkeeping and beautifying the house? Alas, today since I have moved out and live in rented accommodation, I realize how important it is to regularly upkeep and improve the surroundings of the house.

With the most recent trends of the market and the constant fluctuations in the rates of almost everything, the one thing that will always be a good investment is a well kept and improved home that one can put out for rent or selling. When a person moves into a bare four-walled structure it is a flat or a house, what makes it a home is the Tender Love and Care with constant series of home improvement. So if you are gearing up to renovate and innovate your home, here are a few tricks of the trade that can help you carry out the home improvement in the most logical and reasonable way.

It is also very important to note that much to most people’s notion that when one talks about home improvement it means shelling out tones of money, is rather contrary and incorrect. Also, home improvement is not a process that one carries out for home beautification, and at times it is just to upgrade and add more value to the home in so many ways than one. So get out your Do It Yourself equipment as we take you on a journey of how to go about executing your home improvement plans.

Colour and Paint It Right:

When you talk about the five senses the first thing that draws the attention is via the eyesight. Needless to say that the colour composition and the paint shades used make a great deal of difference in the houses. It will also surprise you to know that there is actual science involved in understanding what colour is to be used where and which colour has what sort of an effect. The paint and the colour used says a lot about your house and actually gives it a lot of character as well. So, go through a few tutorials and gather a few gallons of paint to give your home a new and refurbished look just by adding a dash of new colour.

Refresh and Redo your Restrooms:

Have you ever wondered how much time one spends in the washroom? An average of one hour and forty-two minutes a week is what is spent in the bathroom. This duration of time is quite a major chunk, which is why these days a lot of concentration is put into doing up the bathroom.

With time there is a natural tendency for the tiles and the flooring to get greased and unpolished especially in the bathroom. A part of bathroom improvement could include changing the tiles from time to time. Scrubbing the bathtub and changing the sink and other fittings which often wear out thanks to calcium deposits. And, hey why not go ahead and add a corner where one can plug in music or even put up a scented candle so that it gives a good aroma and feel.

It’s All About the Outdoors:

Imagine driving into a driveway of your new house and being welcomed by lush greenery and lots of brimming colourful flowers! It is a given that before seeing anything on the inside of the house, a prospective buyer will notice what’s on the outside.

You don’t need to spend a huge chunk in landscaping and potting plants. Even a decent budget set aside can help you change the way your garden and driveway looks like. You can go through loads of DIY videos that can give you an idea of how to do the same in the most pocket-friendly and economical way.

The Oh So Important Fixtures and Finishes:

Take a closer look at your surroundings in the home. There is just so much that you can improve on and especially when you are thinking about letting your home out on rent or selling it. Starting from the doorknobs and electrical fixtures such as the switches and other knobs. Even the other fixtures such as doorstoppers and the latches for the windows, all wear out after a certain point in time. Though these may seem rather irrelevant and missable, in the long run, all these things will make a difference in the experience of the new homeowners. After all, it is all about giving major concentration to the minor details.

It’s Time for Pest Control:

Believe it or not no one would want to cater to tenants such as the cockroaches and other creepy crawlies in their newly moved into home. It’s not a very welcoming sign to be greeted by a battalion of insects. And, since creepy crawlies can just about crawl into the most hidden and forgotten corners of the house, one needs to give proper time and efforts to conduct a proper house sweep to take care of all these pests. You may even need professional help from someone like https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/pest-control/ if the pest problem is really large, as the professionals will know exactly what to do and what to use in order to get rid of unwelcome visitors. Once the pests are gone, it might be wise to learn what steps you can take to prevent any issues in the future.

When you handover the beautifully improvised home to the new owners, make sure you give them a pest-free welcome as well.

You don’t have to be an artist or for that matter, you don’t have to set aside loads of money to take care of your home improvement plans. All you need to do is take up a little at a time and plan and prioritize. You can always call for help, but getting things done yourself after going through a few DIY lessons is a gratifying experience that one should always get to experience. Happy Home Improvement!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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