HomeWordpressNew Features: Benefits of WordPress 5.0 With the Old Version

New Features: Benefits of WordPress 5.0 With the Old Version

WordPress is a free online blogging website; all you have to do is log in, choose your topic, and write down your thoughts. It is written in PHP and is the easiest and powerful blogging website. People refer WordPress to being just a blogging platform, but in these years, it has evolved into being a reliable website builder too. WordPress development has grown higher than ever, and here is a statistic to prove it. These statistics state that more than 409 plus views that have happened on the site more than 19.6 billion pages on WordPress.

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WordPress is straightforward to use and understand it gives you the freedom of writing down your thoughts, creating your themes, layouts, using best available plugins, etc. WordPress has efficiently grown in these years and the latest version of WordPress that came out in 2018, was the most significant release of WordPress, and everyone is highly recommended to switch update 5.0 version of WordPress. As it is stated by Brian Jackson WordPress 5.0 “BEBO” is here, here is the list of few new features and benefits of WordPress 5.0:

benefits of wordpress 5.0

The Gutenberg Editor

As we all are in the fast developing industries, we do know the importance of keeping your site or app update and cope with the new tech to stay on the top. This editor is here to make your job easy. People who use the WordPress 5.0 classic editor are familiar with how to use an editor, it might take you few days to get use to the Gutenberg editor but it the best feature that WordPress has come up with in their latest version. Even though the Gutenberg update does not directly affect your SEO ranking at all, but this version will help to load your page faster than before and make your experience of using WordPress better which will lead to SEO of your website improving. This editor gives you the freedom of uploading videos, audios, images, and content. The features of Gutenberg are:

The direct customization of visual content
You have the freedom of seeing what your content will look like and you can customize it according to what you want it to look like.

The ‘Twenty Nineteen’ theme
Making your blog look surprising and pleasing for people who view it is an utmost necessity, and to choose a theme that suits your topic is even more critical. As in you cannot have a nature theme if your blog is about Bollywood gossips. The latest version of WordPress has updated the themes so that you can utilize the best ones for you.

More secure
WordPress has always been great when it comes to security. It is better than any other blog site you will find out, out there. With WordPress 5.0 update the security for the users have become better, and it’s more secure now.

Front-end editor
Earlier when you thought you needed some programming skills to give out content on WordPress. With the WordPress 5.0 editor, you don’t have to worry about this too; you will not need programming skills to put content out there.

Mobile optimization
In the world full of digital advancement, mobile apps are growing fast, so the sites that you like usually have their apps, which make it easier for you to visit or update it regularly. WordPress 5 features include the up-gradation of mobile optimization for a better experience.

Background image
WordPress latest version has made it possible for you to crop the background image according to your choice.

The benefits that the latest version of WordPress brings with it are, Flexibility – with this, the content managing system will become more flexible. Programming skills – with the latest version, you will not need programming skills anymore, as it will become more comfortable in operating. Web pages – you will no more need the help of HTML or CSS programming for creating new engaging web pages. Last but mot the least, writing space – Gutenberg has made more space available in this version of WordPress 5.0.

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WordPress Development in 2019 with Gutenberg
Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Reject the Gutenberg Editor Just Yet

WordPress 5.0 and Plugins

WordPress has come up with amazing updates, and features let us explore a few and know how to go about it:

# BackUp
We all are aware of what is a backup, and we generally have the habit of taking backups of everything that we would want to review later or keep it with us may be as memories or if it is essential information. Considering your site’s development is vital for you to check on how is the growth going and where do you lack, so it is recommended to always take the complete backup for your site.

# Plugins and themes
With the latest update of WordPress 5.0, they have introduced new and updated plugins and themes to make your WordPress more interesting. The ideas and plugins that were there earlier were also great, but who would want anything better than before, and that is what precisely this update provides you.

# Content
The content that you wrote on the classic editor will shift to Gutenberg editor as you update your WordPress, the update can be automated, and if not then the link and sites are available online, so the content writing becomes more interesting, where you will have the options of converting into a document or a book.

# Shortcodes
The Shortcodes that the classic editor had in helping us with the contact from the contact of our developing sites, now in WordPress latest version Gutenberg editor will show it as convert into the block, and it will become the Gutenberg Shortcode block.


WordPress development has come across as a boon to us; Gutenberg is the most significant update of WordPress that was released on December 6th, 2018. It isn’t difficult to say that this latest update version has made our busy and demanding life easier. I have provided you all with the maximum features and updates, but I would suggest you all download this version and test it yourself and give feedback to WordPress so if there are any bugs or any changes to be made they should know what to fix.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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