HomeFinance5 Simple Money Savings Tips for Summer

5 Simple Money Savings Tips for Summer

There’s no question that saving some extra money every month is a good thing. With more money, comes the possibility to live comfortably and explore happiness. That is especially true during the summer. Whether it is a few extra bucks to go out for ice cream or to spend on your family vacation, you’d definitely be glad to have some to spare. Fortunately, there are some simple habits you could develop daily to help you save up to $100 a month and beyond. So, without further ado, let’s explore some simple money saving tips for summer.

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simple money saving tips

1. Shut Your Blinds and Windows

You might be surprised to hear this, but merely shutting your blinds can reduce the amount of heat produced by the sun in your home by over 75%. Less heat in your home means less work for your air conditioning and ultimately less money spent on your bills. This is a very easy money-saving tip, but also extremely effective.

2. Watch Your Driving Habits

Fuel prices tend to spike during the summer months, so you should do anything you can to avoid filling up. If you’ve got a huge truck, and then a car that gets 40 MPG, take the car. Better yet, since it is summertime, chances are it’s going to be a nice day out – walk or bike to your destination and eliminate gas from the equation altogether. However, if you do drive, make sure to use the cruise control to get the best MPG, and avoid idling in heavy traffic if at all possible.

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3. Public Transportation and Carpooling

Another way to cut back on gas is by taking public transport (bus, train, etc.), or carpooling with a co-worker to your workplace. Usually, you can get a great deal if you buy an annual pass for the bus or train. Carpooling cuts your driving cost by half or more, depending on how many you are. When you start saving money every day, it really begins to add up throughout the summer.

4. Be Lenient With Your A/C

Air conditioning can be a luxury on a 100-degree day in the middle of summer, but it can really hurt when the bill comes at the end of the month. Obviously, you won’t want to do this all the time, but when it’s an exceptionally cold night, try shutting off the A/C before bed. If it’s a nice day out, try opening a couple of windows, or running a fan. Even if it’s only for a little bit, it will still add up, and it will always save you money. Also, check your A/C filters, and replace them if they’re dirty – clean filters use less energy for cooling.

5. Buy a Good Cover for Your Phone

Most people do not realize this, but buying a new phone or repairing the screen and recovering lost data can be costly. That is why people need to invest in buying a waterproof iPhone case. This way, when you go swimming during your vacation, your phone is safe. You get to save time and money. If your phone falls in your bathtub or the swimming pool, it will be safe. In fact, if it falls on the ground, it will also reduce the chances of the screen cracking. The case will also last for years and will keep your phone looking fashionable. You can also buy several colors and designs so that it will help you match your mood and outfit.

6. Saving On Food

If your grocery bill is getting too high, try getting some off-brand products to lower it. Aldi is a great place to get cheap groceries, so if you have one in your area, check it out. You could also try growing your fruits and vegetables if you’ve got the space and the right climate. Seeds are much cheaper than buying the fully-grown product.

Put These Into Action!

Now that you’ve got the information, it’s time to get started on the money-saving. There are plenty of ways to save money in the summertime, but these can at least get you started. You need to look at your life and find out where you can save more and how you can better manage your finances, so you have enough to meet more than your needs. Good luck and happy saving.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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