HomeFinanceThe Type of Life Insurance Policy You Need to Have

The Type of Life Insurance Policy You Need to Have

Term Life by definition is a life insurance policy which provides a stated benefit upon the holder’s death, provided that the death occurs within a certain specified time period. However, the policy does not provide any returns beyond the stated benefit, unlike an insurance policy which allows investors to share in returns from the insurance company’s investment portfolio. Here is the type of life insurance policy you need to have to make your life secure and prosper.

Annually Renewable Term Life

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Historically, a term life rate increased each year as the risk of death became greater. While unpopular, this type of life policy is still available and is commonly referred to as an annually renewable term life (ART).

Guaranteed Level Term Life

There are companies who offer a level of life term. This type of insurance policy has premiums that are designed to remain level for a period of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or even 30 years. Level term life policies have become extremely popular because they are very inexpensive and can provide relatively long term coverage. But, be careful! Most level term life insurance policies contain a guarantee of level premiums. However, some policies don’t provide such guarantees. Without a guarantee, the insurance company can surprise you by raising your life insurance rate, even during the time in which you expected your premiums to remain level. Needless to say, it is important to make sure that you understand the terms of any life insurance policy you are considering.

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Return of Premium Term Life Insurance

Return of premium term insurance (ROP) is a relatively new type of insurance policy that offers a guaranteed refund of the life insurance premiums at the end of the term period assuming the insured is still living. This type of term life insurance policy is a bit more expensive than regular term life insurance, but the premiums are designed to remain level. These returns of premium term life insurance policies are available in 15, 20, or 30-year term versions. Consumer interest in these plans has continued to grow each year, as they are often significantly less expensive than permanent types of life insurance, yet, like many permanent plans, they still may offer cash surrender values if the insured doesn’t die.

Types of Permanent Life Insurance Policies

A permanent life insurance policy by definition is a policy that provides life insurance coverage throughout the insured’s lifetime and the policy never ends as long as the premiums are paid. In addition, a permanent life insurance policy provides a savings element that builds cash value.

People are also taking funeral insurance nowadays, wonder how much a funeral and cremation costs? Funerals in 2021 cost around $7,848 on average while funerals with cremation cost approximately $6,971 on average. With funeral costs continuing to rise, a life insurance policy will become more important as it provides cover for the costs of a funeral and can be purchased in advance so your family can focus on grieving.

Universal Life

The cash value might be available for a loan to that of a policy holder with the life insurance that combines with the lowered cost of protection for the life term. This includes savings that is invested in a tax-deferred account. For the provision a greater amount of flexibility than what the whole life was allowing their holder is the shift of money between the insurance the components of savings. The insurance companies usually break down the premiums into the variable of insurance and savings.

To age 100 Level Guaranteed Life Insurance

This type of life policy offers a guaranteed level premium to age 100, along with a guaranteed level of the death benefit to age 100. Most often, this is accomplished within a Universal Life policy for US insurance, with the addition of a feature commonly known as a “no-lapse rider”. Some, but not all, of these plans also include an “extension of maturity” feature, which provides that if the insured lives to age 100, having paid the “no-lapse” premiums each year, the full face amount of coverage will continue on a guaranteed basis at no charge thereafter.

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