HomePhotographyWhy a Canvas Photo Collage Can be a Great Gift

Why a Canvas Photo Collage Can be a Great Gift

No matter what holiday or event is coming up, choosing a good gift for anyone is incredibly difficult. There are almost too many things out there to choose from, which is a bit paradoxical but is true all the same. It’s a pressuring situation to be in no matter who you’re trying to buy for, and we all know the nervous sensation we feel when someone is opening their present from yourself. It’s a hopeless case, right? There’s not even a point in trying to find a good gift and we should all just stick to stereotypical presents forever?

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That’s where we believe canvas photo collages come into the equation. These have become more and more popular in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. However, they haven’t become so popular that people will expect to receive them, and they’ll still come as a really pleasant surprise. But what actually are these? And what makes them such a good present? Don’t worry, we’re on hand to tell you just why a canvas photo collage can be a great gift.

So what actually is a canvas photo collage? More or less, it’s a huge canvas which is effectively turned into a massive photo frame. This is then filled with a lot of smaller photographs, the size of which you can decide for yourself. Some photos can be bigger than others and the design is all in your hands. These canvas’ then tend to be hung up on a wall for a decoration.

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So, what makes them such a great gift? First of all, they’ll allow you to frame all the precious memories you have with whoever it is you’re giving the gift to. Whether it’s a romantic partner, a parent, sibling or child, you have complete creative control over what photographs go onto the canvas. You can choose the photos which frame emotional childhood memories, or more recent ones which perfectly summarise the blossoming of a new relationship. Or both. That’s the whole point- you can choose whatever photographs to go that you want. There’s no-one to tell you yes or no, as it’s your gift and you’re in charge. You yourself know what the recipient of the gift will like the most, and you can design the canvas to achieve this.

It’ll also be a pretty cost effective gift. There are a lot of canvas making companies out there, including https://www.canvaspop.com/products/photo-collages. They’ll all offer you really competitive prices, as they know in most cases these canvas’ are intended to be gifts and feel harsh overcharging. It’s not that we’re trying to give you a cheap option here, it’s just a simple fact that we can’t really complain about. These offer a great gift at a great price without taking away from the sentimental value.

That leads us onto our next point- how thoughtful these gifts are. They’re not your average, everyday present. They aren’t a box of chocolates, or a bottle of wine. These can be very thoughtful gifts as well, but they just don’t have the same emotional value that one of these photo canvas’ has. I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve heard about opening one of these as a gift and shedding a tear due to the emotional weight the photos carry. My own mum even did it when my dad bought her one (and I’m not sure she’s recovered yet). They are up there with the most meaningful gifts out there, offering a really unique way of expressing your feelings and love for another person.

Buying a photo canvas is also a pretty original idea. I know we spoke earlier about how they’ve grown in popularity, but I also mentioned that they aren’t that popular that they lose meaning. Noone will be expecting a gift like this, making it all the more special when they do find out what you’ve bought them. It’ll make a change from buying ordinary and everyday gifts, and will provide a real change of scenery. It will set the bar pretty high for future presents you buy, but it’ll definitely be worth it just for the reaction this gift will get alone.

Not only will they prove to be an outstanding gift, but a photo collage will also turn out to be a great long term decoration in your home. Have them designed so that they’ll suit the painting in and around your home, and then proceed to find a nice patch or wall to hang it on. This will add an extra dimension to the decorations you already have, and if you design it just right then it’ll complement them too. This will also continually score you bonus points with whoever you bought the gift for- whenever they see it hanging up around the house, they’ll be reminded of what a wonderful gift it was and of the person who so thoughtfully bought them it. It’s more or less a trophy of your present-buying success (not to brag).

It’ll also complement whatever other gifts you buy nicely. I know I’ve come down a bit hard of boxes of chocolate in this article, but if you organise it all well then you could actually incorporate gifts like that in with your photo collage. If it’s for a partner, throw in some chocolates and flowers to give it even more of a romantic feel. If it’s for a parent, purchase a bottle of wine and a “World’s Greatest Dad” mug. It’s all about finding gifts which complement the canvas and the themes you’re trying to put across with it. It can be whatever kind of gift you want it to be.

It could also work pretty well as a last minute gift. If you’ve left it to the last minute, as so many of us often do, you can always get the photos you want to use together quickly and rush along to a shop you know makes these collages (you can easily research this). Don’t rush it too much that you’ll ruin the presentation of the canvas, but you can still make it pretty quickly if you don’t have any other last-ditch ideas.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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