HomeSEO4 Essential SEO Tips for Tech Startups

4 Essential SEO Tips for Tech Startups

Tech startups are often strapped for cash, and have to find ways to cut on advertising. Traditional channels are also not always the best suited for these kinds of businesses.

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Tech startups often have to work on building credibility within their industry, and attract people to them. This is why SEO as a marketing method is perfectly suited for any tech company. It allows you to slowly build attention to your brand, show your expertise, and attract people in a completely organic way. The next question is, how can a tech startup build an effective SEO strategy? Here are a few SEO tips for tech startups that will help any newbie to start their SEO on the right foot.

SEO Tips for Tech Startups

Have a Solid FAQ Page

While keywords have been downgraded by Google and most major search engines as a way to rank sites, they are still the foundation of good SEO. And there’s no better way to fit highly targeted and high converting keywords than a good FAQ section.

The Octopart FAQ section for their electronic parts search engine is a perfect example. An FAQ page like this allows them to showcase some of their tools and features, without going overboard or stuffing keywords. It also allows them to include a variety of branded and non-branded keywords in there.

That’s the kind of strategy you want to take when building any page. While you should have a few keywords in mind, you should focus more on following a theme and letting the words fall in naturally. Another advantage of a good FAQ is that results can show up in vocal search queries and front-page snippets.

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Make Sure Your Site is Running on All Cylinders

You can’t be taken seriously if your site is clunky, takes too much time to load, or looks all over the place on anything other than a PC. This is why you should make sure that the loading times are fast enough, even if it means simplifying the layout, getting rid of a few widgets, and compressing files.

A slow website will make a bad impression on visitors, who will end up bouncing out and affecting your rankings as a result. In addition, Google uses loading time as a ranking factor, so that’s a double whammy.

Keep it Simple

Make sure that you focus not only on industry insiders, but the general public as well. Not everybody is into specs; as a matter of fact, when it comes to customer products, only a fraction are. Focus on the features and what the product will do for them. You’ll be able to engage them better instead of losing them after a few phrases.

Use Analytics

Use analytics to check which channels are performing better so you can direct your content marketing efforts where it matters. Another thing you’ll have to keep a close eye on is unfavorable links. Not only could they be detrimental to your rankings, but they could actually be the result of a malicious attack against you.

SEO can be an extremely powerful tool in the hands of any startup. It’s the best way to build organic traffic, and increase long term visibility without breaking the bank.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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