HomeTech6 Effective Email Marketing Strategies

6 Effective Email Marketing Strategies

Email is a blessing to businesses! Using email as a marketing tool is a great way of reaching out to your customers and prospects and keeping them informed about your brand. With the onset of new trends in email marketing such as machine learning, hyper-personalization, gamification, typography, etc. marketers come up with new strategies for their email campaigns. Here are six techniques that you should consider using:

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email marketing strategies

1. Build An Organic Email List

Building an organic email list is crucial to the success of your email marketing strategy. There are a lot of marketers who buy email lists. Sure, it’s a shortcut to reach out to more people in a short period. It also requires less effort. However, you may end up damaging your reputation by using borrowed, scrapped, or purchased lists. It’s not a good idea to use email lists as your emails could end up in the spam folder. An easy way to build a great organic list is to include a “Subscribe” button on your website. To register email IDs, you will need to link this button to an opt-in form.

Try Segmentation-Triggered Automation

Once you know a thing or two about your customers, it’s time to segment them into categories based on their past interests, behaviour, and where they are in the buyer’s journey. Use this information to segment users based on how they’ve interacted with your website in the past. Segments and behaviour data can then be used to trigger automated emails using programs like Gmail mail merge that deliver your most relevant content exactly when it’s most needed.

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3. Personalize Your Messages

Email marketing personalization involves the sending of marketing emails custom-tailored to the personal characteristics, preferences, and past behaviour of a subscribe. It simply means that you use customer data to create a personalized message. The simplest form of personalization is to address the potential customer by name. Most email service providers (ESP) offer this within their functionality and this tactic alone will improve your campaign performance.

4. Optimizing For Variety of Devices

The majority of emails are no longer being accessed through traditional desktop or laptops but through all different kinds of mobile devices, meaning not everyone views an email the same. That is why it is so important to make sure your email has a responsive design that looks well on many different screens of different sizes.

5. Use A/B Testing To Optimize Click-Through Rates

Whether you test your site’s home page, landing pages or email templates, A/B testing gives you data to make practical decisions that will increase your marketing performance. And when we talk about email A/B testing, we are referring to creating many variations of either the subject line or body content. Hence, don’t send any emails without testing to ensure it works.

6. Most Importantly Be Human

If you want your email marketing to be effective, be human above all else. Write as if you’re talking to another human being individually. Make sure this language is being used to convey helpful and interesting information that’s easy to read through. Quality content is not fancy wording or professional jargon. It’s useful information that is presented in a way that your reader can understand and relate to.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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