HomeBlogWorkplace Distractions: A Real Productivity Killers

Workplace Distractions: A Real Productivity Killers

While trying to concentrate hard on some complex subject at hand. An employee is grappling with efforts to maintain a focus but not able to. The reason is that all of a sudden when everyone was working hard in their peak employee productivity hours. One of the staff members started a discussion on cryptocurrency in the highest possible pitch of volume with the highest possible volume of a Youtube video. The video happened to be related to cryptocurrency even though it had nothing to do with the work involved at the said workplace.

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workspace distraction

Suddenly the discussion started to look like a yelling marathon, whereas those seriously trying to work felt miserable to continue further. This is what happens when the purpose of life for some employees is to make noise and then blame others for less productivity. No doubt that some playful banter with colleagues every once in a while is healthy to remain productive. Otherwise, monotony will prevail and make one bored or frustrated with their work routine. However excess of anything is lethal. It’s good to eat sugar but an excess of it shall pile up kgs of fat over your body and end up making you diabetic eventually. Likewise, excessive noise pollution can destroy your motivation to work diligently.

But that is not the only distraction that occurs at the workplace. There are numerous. Even though humans inherently seek to get distracted. Every 11 minutes, one gets distracted and takes 25 minutes to refocus on the undergoing task.

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Foremost distractions emerge from within your own selves

You face a constant urge to eat something, call a friend or listen to some music amid your productive task. Well, all of these are good but if you go uncontrolled, you become a slave of your instincts, not the one keeping a balance in life. Keep your cravings under control and designate a certain timeframe for these activities.

Clutter in your space makes you feel disturbed without knowing why?

When things are disheveled in your surroundings. You can’t remain at peace inside your mind. That clutter will begin to influence your state of mind. Your external space affects your internal space.

Micromanagement start giving a feeling of getting stalked

When your manager shows up after every fifteen minutes to keep an eye on you. No matter how keenly you were working, you might get stuck up where you were. Some of us have a tendency to think that when we are on the phone and our parents or siblings show up we can’t speak comfortably. No matter if the topic was not even remotely secret. Similarly even a hard-working employee feels distracted with recurring micromanagement by supervisors or managers.

Emails are one of the biggest time destroyers

Most people ruin their precious hours checking emails which they can either postpone or even ignore to reply. When you start checking emails in the mid of your important task or productive hours. You are definitely distracted. Once you start responding to them then a few hours aren’t gone anywhere else then.

The noise in your surroundings

It can be a sound from traffic from the outside road, a water motor, or a constant chatter of your colleagues. The thing is that you just can’t ignore their banter or any interrupting voices. Either they will drag you into their conversation or you will try hard to act indifferent. Both aren’t constructive. Try using headphones to stay safe from their mischief. Let the peace prevails.

Frequent meetings and visitors

When you have meetings for like ten times a day and get colleagues bulging into your room every few minutes. Your useful time is wasted and whether consciously or unconsciously you look forward to it. Who doesn’t like gossip? Restrict such conversation for lunch break, and attend only useful meetings like the ones with your employer or team lead. No need for team meetings after every hour for some random reason.

Most important distraction is none other than your own beloved phone

Yes, smartphones are the real culprits nowadays whenever you see an extreme wastage of time. Obviously these phones don’t possess any fault within themselves but its social media. Our most beloved distraction. Moreover, it’s hard to resist it once you start using it. People spend 1/7 of their waking life on social media and that includes their work lives as well. Keep your phone off or at a significant distance to stay focused and motivated.
How will your boss know whether you were productive or distractions overtook you?

A reliable employee monitoring software will do the task. It will offer an option of real-time monitoring which means your employer can share a screen with you. Instead of micromanagement, your seniors can always take advantage of it to know exactly what you were doing.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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