HomeTechA Checklist for Your Future Language Service Provider

A Checklist for Your Future Language Service Provider

Congratulations! After a successful venture with the local audience, you are finally ready for the next step. With months of hard work including a continuous routine of days and nights at the office, your product/website is ready for a global take-over. Easy enough, right? A task that seems so simple can be the most daunting mission for your company.

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transltion service

Whether it is Dubai or California when initiating a global outreach for your product/website the key factor to take into consideration is the language service provider (LSP) you will be collaborating with; as they have the potential to make or break your international reputation. To take on such a strenuous task we have conducted a checklist for selecting the perfect LSP for you.

Check Mark

When in the market looking out for language service providers or multinational translation companies in Dubai, which often have a list of long requirements, however, the essentials can be broken down into four main components: technicality, stability, support, and quality.

Technical Competence – ensure that the LSP of your choosing has up to date technology because every time an interpreter answers the phone your company name is at stake. Signs to keep an eye out for:

# High-speed internet
# How quickly they can manage a crisis
# A knack for testing innovative equipment

Stable & Reliable – never believe in hearsay when it comes to the reputation of the LSP, rather ask for evidence in the following form:

# The time in service
# Previous clientele list
# Staff to handle multiple projects
# Retention rate

A Support System – when globalizing your language service provider plays the role of the main lead, therefore, it is imperative that they are always happy to guide you in every step. This may include:

# A 24/7 helpline
# Ensuring that your time zones align
# Multiple branch locations

Quality Stuff – often your LSP is the one making the first impression for your consumers hence it is vital that they have a staff of translators that excels in their corresponding language and a high functioning project management team. Good questions to ask would be:

# Are there proper guidelines in place to ensure the security of your company?
# What steps are involved in the hiring process?
# Is there a set list of minimum requirements for the translators?
# How do they plan to maintain customer satisfaction?
# Are there proper correction methods in place to ensure the quality of the project?

The Path to Success

Looking at the trends of our global economy, no matter the size of your business, an internal source is not able to handle the linguistic and cultural challenges of the international market. It has become an absolute necessity to hire an outside source, in the form of a language service provider, to carve a pathway to effective communication for your global audience. Simply put, the proper selection of a language service provider can brand your company image even before you step foot into that particular market.

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Choose your Partner Wisely

When looking for an all-in-one translation company in Dubai your search stops at Torjoman. For the past two decades from Dubai to California, Torjoman has been setting the benchmark for every competitor in the market. With over 9,500 projects completed in over 120 languages, their team takes pride in pairing each one of our clients with the best team in the field. Project managers cater to each project with the utmost care and promise a 100% succession rate, no matter the size.

Torjoman has more than 500+ in-house translators that not only understand the linguistics of the native audience but also can rather help you hone into the local niche of your audience. Supporting their linguistic experts with the latest technology that holds features including, a translation memory tool (saving you time and money on repetition), terminology bank and the fact that they are ISO17100 certified guarantees you a translation that will not only be double rather be triple checked.

They have completed big successful projects with high-profile clients such as Google, Apple, Sony, and IBM among others. With services offered in 10+ leading industries like:

• Manufacturing
• Technical
• Marketing
• Legal
• Financial
• E-commerce
• Travel and Tourism
• Education
• Medical
• Oil and Gas

With their professional teams, they have the ability to translate more than 4000 words per day and guarantee a fast turnaround time that will not harm the quality of work delivered. They have four main branches (Dubai, Riyadh, Cairo, and California) generates flexibility required for local or global clients. To get an instant quote contact their sales team today and embark on a path of global success.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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