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How to Keep Your Teen Driver Safe – 9 Safe Driving Tips for Teenagers

The first time a teenager gets behind the wheel marks a crucial moment in life, indicating the first step towards true independence and adulthood. As a parent, you naturally have concerns about safety, the cost of insuring a young driver, the type of car the teenager should drive and much more. You must play an important role in safe driving for teenagers and keep your child safe. These 9 safe driving tips for teenagers cover everything from safety to saving money on auto insurance for teenage drivers.

1. Invest in a safe driving course for teenagers

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Because inexperience causes many car accidents in teenagers, approved safe driving courses can help teenagers gain useful experience and skills.

2. Get the safest car for the teenage driver

When it comes to safe driving tips for teenagers, choose the right car for them, safety and reliability are the keys. You have to choose the safest car you can afford. Whether you buy a new car or a used model, look for advanced safety features such as front and side airbags, anti-lock brakes, head restraints and electronic stability control. If a crash occurs, these safety features can be life-saving.

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3. Implement your license program

Consider implementing your own set of rules until you feel comfortable with the safe driving skills for your teenager.

# Restrict night driving
Most fatal accidents for young drivers occur between 9 pm and midnight, so it is a good idea to hide the keys after 9 pm.

# Limit the number of passengers
It can be fun for a teenage driver to play the driver for his friends, but studies have shown that the presence of passengers actually increases the risk of accidents. Teen drivers are more likely to get distracted when they have friends in the car, and the presence of peers also leads to more risky driving practices.

# Monitor driving
Safe driving for teenagers means supervising your child because he still lacks the necessary experience to handle difficult driving situations. You can install a vehicle tracking device with no monthly fee to monitor your teenager’s driving anytime and anywhere without paying any extra fee.

4. Have a candid conversation

Driving is a privilege, make sure the young driver knows it. Before handing over the keys, clearly explain your expectations for good driving behavior. A contract between parents and adolescents detailing policies regarding passengers, alcohol consumption, text messages while driving, speeding, etc., and the consequences if your child does not fulfill his or her responsibility may be a good idea.

5. Practice what you preach

It is very important to set a good example for your child. That’s why you should drive safely, fasten your seat belt and avoid distractions (such as texting, talking on the phone or eating) behind the wheel.

6. Discuss driving costs

If your child has to pay some expenses related to the car (gasoline, a portion of the monthly insurance premiums, oil changes, etc.), your child is likely to take driving more seriously and be safer on the road.

7. Establish a zero-tolerance alcohol consumption policy

Statistics for alcohol consumption in minors are alarming. Be honest and straightforward about your expectations regarding drinking and driving. By being firm and setting a good example, you will help guide your child along the safe path.

8. Maintain a safe driving record

Since speeding is the most common driving violation in the adolescent population, make sure your child follows the speed limits at all times. Investing in a vehicle tracking device could be a good option if you want to control your teen’s driving speed.

9. Buy the right car insurance

Whether you are looking to add a young driver to your policy or buy a separate policy for your teen, compare prices. Compare car insurance quotes from several companies to see which one offers the right policy at the right price.

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