HomeTechTranslating and Interpreting Services – The New Median of Communication

Translating and Interpreting Services – The New Median of Communication

In spite of having the convenience of the Internet, companies are still facing a problem that existed nearly a century ago. The challenge of the language barrier. In efforts to break down this barrier, there has been a trend of more companies take advantage of the services provided by translation agencies.

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Interpretation services are one such service provided by translation agencies. The use of interpretation services is becoming essential for many businesses. A professional interpretation of your business allows you to expand your brand into new horizons in a distinct form. As it allows you to converse immediately with your audience without having to face a language barrier. However, with so many agencies offering their translation and interpretation services, how does one pick the perfect fit?

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Translation vs. Interpretation

Isn’t it the same? The answer is, no. Translation refers to only the translation of the text material. Whereas interpretation requires an individual to have an immediate understanding of the source language and be able to output it into the native language. In most scenarios, you will find yourself in one of the three interpretation settings.

Simultaneous Interpreting

There might be a requirement for this type of interpretation in conferences and meetings that may entail the use of multiple languages. This setting often requires the interpreter to be a subject-matter expert and that they have years of experience in the field. Usually, the interpreter is listening in an isolated booth and transmit the translation into a mic where then listeners can then hear through a headset.

Consecutive Interpreting

This type of setting is applied in a small group or ‘one-on-one’ settings such as courtrooms, workshops, and press conferences, etc. Interpreters are required to listen to the whole speech and deliver a complete translation afterward. Therefore, our interpreters not only language experts but have effective PR skills.

Face to Face Interpreting

This is the most common interpretation method where the interpreter is physically present at the appointment. Situations may involve doctor’s meetings or confidential affairs.

The Art of Interpretation

To communicate effectively requires the translator to be able to produce an accurate interpretation within five to ten seconds. Given the short time-frame, there are bound to be challenges involved.

1. Clarity of Speaker – this is often the biggest challenge and can because of one or two reasons. One, the audio equipment has a malfunction. Two, not being able to hear the speaker properly. In the first given situation can be traced to debauched equipment such as microphones and sound systems. The second reason can be due to the narrator speaking too softly, the speaker speaks too quickly, or the position of the interpreter’s booth is too far.

2. Understanding the Culture – Interpreters are required not only to have an understanding of the language aspect but also having full awareness of the culture of the native audience. This may include the knowledge of local idioms, customs, and rituals. For example, if you are in China and your host tells you to bear with their poorly prepared meal it does not mean that the dishes are made poorly, it is just the host’s way of being humble about their cooking. The understanding of these small nuances in a native language can have lingering effects on the way the two languages are communicated.

3. The Lack of Briefing – In most cases, an interpreter requires a prep time of two to three days for a planned event. This not only better prepares the interpreter for the given task but also makes them more comfortable for any possible situation that may arise. To be more informed about the event, a highly-skilled interpreter may ask a question about the subject matter, time and date, equipment that may be required. Also, they may ask about any prepared documents (speeches, dialogue, etc.), language preferences, and team members required.

4. Humor Does Not Travel Well – This is a challenge even the most experienced interpreters face on a daily bases as even written text can be “lost in translation.” Translators often have it much easier in this matter as they have ample time to review the material whereas the interpreter has to find the appropriate counterpart joke in the native language.

Why AfroLingo?

Every single project at AfroLingo leads to one mission: the complete satisfaction of our customers. We understand that a task as challenging as interpretation requires the skill set of highly trained professionals. Therefore, by offering our interpretation services in South Africa, we hope to capture the essence of the melting pot the region has become.

In-House Native Translators – We hire all native-speaking translators that can cater to more than 20 different languages globally and having helped more than 150 clients localize their business in the African subcontinent. Therefore giving our clients a truly personal experience of the native audience, as our translators understand the cultural and political aspects of a certain region.

Subject-Matter Experts – At AfroLingo, we go the extra mile and hire experts from the field itself. This guarantees that there is no room for errors as they will be familiar with all the special terminology required for the matter.

Fast Turn-Around Time – No matter the size of your project, we guarantee our clients a speedy delivery. Upon client requests, we have even handled projects over the period of one night.

Product Quality – Every project we handle goes through a rigorous multi-step quality check process, ensuring there is never a need for a ‘do-over’ and to deliver 100% customer satisfaction.

The Final Word About Interpretation

Interpretation requires quick analysis of the situation, delivering the correct tone of the source and target language, all in a very short amount of time. Therefore, let AfroLingo’s team of experts handle all your interpretation services. A professional interpretation service can help you remove any language barrier that might seem to hinder any progress for your business.

For more information about our translating and interpreting services, contact our friendly sales team today.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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