HomeFinance4 Tips for being Thrifty With Your Money this Christmas

4 Tips for being Thrifty With Your Money this Christmas

We’ve reached that time of the year again: Halloween has passed us by, the festive decorations are up in the shops, and your one crazy neighbour has got their tree up already. Yep, that’s right, Christmas is on its way – and as always, it’ll be here before you’re ready for it.
There’s so much to consider financially when the holiday season arrives. You’ve got the more obvious, like factoring in the costs of Christmas presents for family and friends, as well as costs for any additional travel you’ll be making during the time. Post-Christmas is also a common time for people to book their vacations away, and committing to a new hobby or lifestyle choice for a new year’s resolution may prove costlier than you expect.

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It’s hard to save money around Christmas, but there are still ways you can lessen the strain on your wallet somewhat. Here are 4 tips to help you be
thrifty with your money this Christmas:

thrifty with your money this Christmas

1. Compare your prices, always

No matter what it is you’re on the hunt for, from vacations, to earmuffs, to Christmas presents, always compare prices before you buy. The fantastic thing about the tech world we live in today is that it gives us so much more opportunity to find the best deal online. If you’re booking a vacation, opt out of a package deal, where you’re essentially paying someone to book your flights for you, and visit sites like Expedia, where you have control over your exact flight costs and times, and hotel fees, helping you to book for less.

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2. Look out for bank account bonuses

If you’ve been looking to open up a new savings account recently, consider looking wider than the bank you’re with currently. Many banks offer cash bonuses to try and encourage more customers to open up a savings account with them, so do your research and see if there’s anything applicable to you. You might end up with an extra couple of hundred dollars in your account. If you don’t know where to begin, take a look at the best savings account bonus at Crediful for inspiration.

3. DIY your Christmas essentials

The lure of festive foods and decorations is often hard to resist, but there are plenty of opportunities for you to make your own – and have a whole lot of fun doing it, too. You can make a day out of baking mince pies or making paper chains (there are plenty of free printable options online), and it’ll help you to enjoy some precious quality time with your loved ones while you’re at it.

4. Prepare for next year

It’s understandable that Christmas shopping straight after Christmas is a bit of a horrifying thought, but it can save you a whole lot of money for next Christmas – which’ll be on you as soon as you know it. Look specifically for discount cards and wrapping papers, decorations and chocolates. No-one will know that their gift was bought in last year’s sales, and you’ll be helping your future self out big-time.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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