HomeTechTop 10 Amazon Web Services You Should Check

Top 10 Amazon Web Services You Should Check

It’s hard to imagine modern businesses without cloud solutions that enhance and simplify the workflow and major processes. We’ve collected ten 10 Amazon Web Services that aim at empowering companies with the help of robust and scalable solutions.

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1. Simple Storage Service (S3)

There is one region and three data centers in it – you can store files in private or public Buckets and operate them. This guarantees a high level of security and quick access to the data. What you get with the services is low latency. It means that the servers will be up for 99,9% of the time.

S3 is good for banking app development or backing up the databases. You pay only for the amount of outbound traffic and the amount of space you need. Some of the pros of S3 are unlimited amounts of storage space, good performance and comfortable payments for the used storage.

2. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

It’s hard to imagine AWS services without EC2. You get access to unlimited and scalable resources that are not available if you rent a standard server. You may have a heavy load today and a period of so-called downtime tomorrow (of course, if you need it) – the environment will be scaled down or up in a short time. Pricing policy allows you to pay only for the resources you have used and nothing more.

EC2 is good for using as a single tool and for integrating it with S3, VPC or RDS. You can access the tool remotely and get the most from it with their API.

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3. Lambda

It’s one of the best AWS services for dealing with the coding routine. You can run the code without the need to rent a server. You pay for one run, time and memory used, and you save costs by not paying for the cloud. The cost is about $0.20 per 1 million runs and $0.00001667 per every GB-second used.

We’ve added Lambda to the AWS services list because of its benefits for development teams. Time and cost efficiency together with the ease of use make it demanded in 2020.

4. Glacier

Here’s one of the top AWS services for storing files or archives. One archive can be up to 40 terabytes and you can store as many as you need. There are no limits. You will pay for the storage that you take and for restoring the data if you ever need it.

The approximate rate will be about $4 for one terabyte – that’s super cheap. You will choose a retrieval plan that will influence the cost of restoring the data. This service is good for storing valuable information that you may need in the future or for backing up your sites, etc.

5. Lex

This is surely one of the top AWS services that most businesses will benefit from. It’s a tool for crafting a bot that will interact with your customers via a chat or a live conversation. It can recognize speech automatically and understand natural language. We predict that bots will dominate over experience with real humans thanks to the speed of handling customer’s requests.

You’ll probably love the pricing policy as you pay for each request. For example, you’ll have to pay $4 for handling
1K voice requests and $1.5 for handling text requests.

6. Polly

It’s one of the most universal AWS services. It turns text into speech. You will have a big number of available languages. Polly is available via an API that will add an audio file directly into your application. You pay only for the number of symbols that you turn into voice. “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” contains about 385,000 characters and text-to-voice conversion could cost about $2. You can benefit from Polly if you use it for commercial or personal purposes.

7. Simple Queuing Service (SQS)

It’s one of the AWS services that let you deal with message queues. You can manage the environments and their components for storing the queues and their order. Each queue and message are processed once there comes a time for it. All the information is encrypted and secured, so no third parties can ever access it. The encryption is run on the server-side. You pay for the number of requests and the amount of traffic that is used.

8. Simple Notification Service (SNS)

We’ve added SNS to the top ten AWS services list thanks to its versatility. You can deliver messages to any operating system at any time of the day or night. You can use your own applications that will add messages to the SNS and it will send them to your subscribers. It’s fast, reliable and cost-efficient.
There are different variants of payments but you will pay about $2 for 100 thousand email notifications and this is pretty cheap.

9. Internet of Things (IoT)

It’s one of the most appealing AWS cloud products. IT allows you to use a great variety of devices for accessing cloud apps. You can run your business, manage the processes on the go – you don’t have to have your laptop with you all the time. You can use any portable gadget to collect information, process and analyze it. The pricing policy is also attractive as you pay only for the sent data and it will be about $5 for 1 million of 512-byte messages.

10. Athena

It can be called one of the most popular Amazon AWS products for the 2020 year. We’ve added it to the list of AWS services as it allows you to analyze the data on S3 with the help of SQL in no time. For example, you can see what kind of information is transferred from 200 sensors connected to Amazon IoT. Athena doesn’t require having a cloud or a server. It handles your queries for small and large databases. And you pay only for the queries and nothing more.

Major advantages of these top services are scalability, flexibility and affordable pricing for businesses of any size.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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