HomeTechWhat are Chatbots and How are they Used in Marketing

What are Chatbots and How are they Used in Marketing

Chatboat is a software that is used to conduct conversations through different methods that include auditory and textual content. These chatbots are designed to simulate human conversation in a technological way. Chatbot software is generally used by dialog systems for several practical reasons that include information acquisition and customer service. A dialog system is another conversational agent and a computer system that is used for the purpose of conversing with a human. Dialog systems are supposed to employ text of one or more categories including other speech, graphics, gestures, and various communicative modes for input and output channels.

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Furthermore, it is considered that some are used sophisticatedly via a natural language processing system which is a subfield of artificial intelligence and is concerned with the interactions between a computer and the natural language of humans. The natural language processing system particularly programs a computer to analyze and process a large amount of natural language data that includes speech recognition, natural language understanding, and generation.

Instead of that, some chatbots also use simpler methods to process data such as scanning the keywords and then pulling up a reply with matching those keywords. These chatbots also ensure to pull up the most similar wording pattern from the database in order to practically reply to the human for their question or concern.

A Conversational Platform | The ChatBot:

Verbot also is known as the Verbal Robot was a well-known chatter program for two main platforms that were Windows and Web. It was a popular development of Artificial Intelligence Software Development Kit (SDK). The creator of Verbot, Michael Mauldin, came up with the term called Chatbot in 1994, to describe the conversational programming systems. A chatbot is the shorter version of Chatterbot.

In today’s time, these conversational platforms are accessed by the virtual assistants of Google and Amazon named Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. They are accessed through applications such as Facebook Messenger, WeChat, etc.

Both, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are extremely popular virtual assistants powered by artificial intelligence that are available on smart home devices and smartphones. The Google Assistant is able to engage in two-way conversations whereas Alexa is capable of voice interactions, playback music, setting alarms, making to-do lists, streaming podcasts, providing information related to weather, traffic, news, sports, etc.

Moreover, these conversational chatbots are classified into various usage categories that include the conversational e-commerce platform for analytics, communications, customer support, developer tools, marketing purposes, social reasons such as health, food, sports, news, personal, shopping, etc.

These chatbots are considered to be the most improved and advanced versions of the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence. However, the technological aspect of a chatbot is to represent the evolution of the form of questioning and answering using the Natural Language Processing System. In various end-user applications, formulating a response to a question is generally a typical example of Natural Language Processing.

The Conversational Analysis Approach:

Further on the conversational artificial intelligence is an analytical approach to the study of social science and social interaction. The study of social interaction enables the collective consciousness of a person along with observational research ensuring to embrace both the verbal and non-verbal communication and conduct in the daily life of people.

The conversation analysis begins with focusing on casual interactions and conversations, but more subsequent methods involve more tasks. These tasks are supposed to be institution-centered such as occurring in courts or law enforcement centers, doctor’s offices, educational institutions or mass media communication centers.

However, as a result, the term conversation analysis is said to have become a misnomer and an inaccurate name for the successful approach of sociolinguistic interaction between a human and a machine with the use of artificial intelligence technology.

The conversational AI virtual assistants are used to accelerate an organization’s automation and analytic space between their services and consumers. Through the conversational analysis, the AI virtual assistants or chatbots were created which provided a solution to organizations and companies with deep expertise in communication with their customers. This was considered as an automated solution integrated into the category of artificial intelligence usage of solutions.

The Intelligent Virtual Assistant Application Software

An intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) also known as an intelligent personal assistant (IPA), is considered to be a software agent that is capable of performing various tasks along with offering services such as replying to individual based commands or questions.

These software agents improve the workflow of businesses. Not only that, they provide customer satisfaction and improve sale conversions along with the recommender systems. The term chatbot is often referred to as virtual assistants that are generally accessed as online chat or interaction systems.

Many businesses and companies use chatbots that are operated through messaging applications or simply by SMS. They are known to be used for business to consumer service, sales, and marketing. For example, the facebook messenger application allows developers to place their chatbots on their pages to promote their services. The chatbot option came in 2016 for facebook messenger, where 30,000 bots were created in the early six months of creation. Later it increased to 100,000 in a year.

Another example includes WhatsApp Messenger. Other than that, there have been various participations of organizations that launched their customer services on platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp Messenger. The bots appear rather as the user’s contacts as well as the participants in a group chat.

Moreover, several financial and educational institutions such as banks, insurers, media companies, airlines, hotels, health care centers, government entities, retailers or restaurants ensure to use chatbots in order to answer questions of their clients and customers. In this way, they provide better customer service and increases customer engagements for promotional reasons.

A research study says that 80 percent of businesses tend to use chatbot programs as a conversational platform to increase their business and company. They intend to have chatbot applications of their own by 2020.

Benefits Of Using Chatbots For Marketing Purposes

The above-mentioned write-up is easy enough to understand chatbots, their systemized methods, and their communicative and conversational techniques. Moreover, it is easier to integrate these virtual assistant application software in various business sectors and organizations. These various relevant industries for chatbot usage include the fast-paced business field of e-Commerce. It seems like the ultimate solution to not only the problems of all e-Commerce business owners but all the businesses that use artificial intelligence systems.

Furthermore, we have mentioned below how bots have been beneficial for marketing purposes in businesses and organizations.

Improved User Experience

An improved and better user experience is considered to be one of the biggest advantages of conversational chatbots into businesses that are run online. The chatbots are not only simplifying the user experiences but are also offering unique and worthy customer experiences through which customers come back on stores for more services.

One of the examples for improved user experience is through a beauty product brand called Sephora. This brand introduced their personal virtual assistant bot with a messaging application of Facebook Messenger. This feature allows customers to try out new beauty products for new looks. They let them try out activities where they can see how a lipstick or blush would add to their look. The users are supposed to provide the bot a picture of their facial appearance.

This not only lets the user try out the product online and for free, but also saves the hassle of visiting the store physically. Through this amazing feature, the user experience of this particular brand has reached a high level. Not only Sephora but a number of other brands are using chatbot applications to enhance their online presence as well as their business.

Better Customer Service

Making sure to provide amazing customer support is known to be the number one priority for all businesses. No business can expand without the satisfaction of its customers. The client satisfaction rate has to grow along with the business or production growth.

However, chatbots are considered to be the most important used application systems in assisting with better customer services. For this reason, a lot of businesses and companies ensure to incorporate chatbot applications into their business strategies.

Moreover, the issue of being available 24/7 for the assistance of international customers has also been resolved by the introduction of chatbots. Considering the fact that any client can need the support team at any hour of the day.

The reason why customers require assistance 24/7 is that a lot of people work typically for 9 to 5. Generally, they do not get time to contact the support team of any business or company in their working hours. That is why the idea of contacting at late hours was formed with chatbots covering the hefty competition.

It not only leaves a great impression of the customer for the services of the company but also builds a huge trust that the team will be available whenever they needed assistance. They feel good to know that they are being associated with a good company and spreads the company’s name through word of mouth.

If you are a business owner and are looking for better chatbot marketing services, then check out the link below as they provide product awareness, customer engagement, and training services.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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