HomeSEOWhat is SEO and How Can it Help Your Company Grow?

What is SEO and How Can it Help Your Company Grow?

Since the creation of the internet, companies have used the network as a new channel to attract customers and get more sales. In recent years this phenomenon has increased with the evolution of startups whose main channel is their online store. For this, numerous digital marketing tools have been developed. One of these basic tools (since the beginning of the Internet era) has been SEO positioning.

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SEO positioning is the implementation of a strategy and a series of tactics, in order to highlight certain keywords or contents of a web page, in order to achieve its positioning in search engines.

what is seo

Said in a simpler way, it works as a way to highlight specific content and give it relevance in order for search engines to show it in their search results, in a “privileged” space. This is achieved, in principle, by using keywords or keywords within the text we want to optimize. Also

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What are search engines and how do they work?

A search engine is a web page that, by adding a word or phrase, yields the best suggestions found on the internet (depending on your criteria). This consists of four basic parts:

# A user interface where searches are performed
# A robot or spider that searches for information on the Internet
# An algorithm that connects user requests to the database
# And a database where all the contents have been indexed

The heart of every search engine is undoubtedly the algorithm that directs the robot or spider and then categorizes the information that will be displayed after user requests. These algorithms are really complex and their composition and operation depend directly on their developers.

Example of most common search engines

Google: It is the most used search engine in Spain with more than 97% of the global search volume.
Bing: It is the search engine of Microsoft and the second largest in the West by search volume, although it is still far away. However, depending on the niche you work can be interesting.
Yahoo!: This is more of a web portal with different services such as news aggregators, emails, etc.

How can SEO help improve the sales of your entrepreneurial project?

On the basis that the consumer today searches the internet before buying any product to:

1. Compare prices
2. Find information on how to use the product or services
3. Read opinions
4. Make tutorials with which to learn something or solve a problem,
5. Buy a product

It seems quite obvious that implementing a good SEO strategy can help improve your company’s sales, online store, blog, etc.

Luckily, all this information can be measured and compared with various tools, with which you can get an idea (always an approximation) of the result you can get and of the contents for which you should bet in order to attract customers to your website. can guide you more on how SEO can help your company grow. Also Check out if you’re interested in outsourcing your SEO efforts to a trusted expert.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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