HomeDevelopmentNative or Hybrid for Mobile App Development: Which is Better?

Native or Hybrid for Mobile App Development: Which is Better?

Native apps are developed to perform a particular task on a specific operating system. A native app is usually built using the SDK for that particular framework. Native apps tend to have better performance since it is built keeping only that operating system and its specifications in mind. Although mobile app development cost is higher for native apps, the quality and the visibility received is greater than in the case of hybrid app development.

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What is Hybrid app development?

Hybrid apps are called native only because it can be downloaded from the online store of a particular platform. In most cases, a hybrid app will have almost all the features of a native app. These are usually built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while Native apps use Java and Swift, for Android and iOS respectively.

Pros and Cons of Native Apps


Performance increase
Native apps tend to show high performance since it is built specifically for a certain operating system, native.

Larger exposure within the market
Native apps have greater visibility in the markets they are designed for. Since it is developed for a particular market, it tends to tick all the boxes of that market without having to compromise.

High UX capability
When an app does not have to cater to different markets and operating systems, it can be tweaked to ensure high levels of user experience for its designated system. This is a privilege not available for hybrid apps since they have to cater to different operating systems with different specifications.


Not Cheap
Creating an app that is native to a platform is expensive. App development costs can cross thousands of dollars. Usually, creating a native app is approximately double the cost of a hybrid app.

Less reusability
Native apps are developed with a particular platform in mind. Hence, most of the code cannot be reused. It is very platform-dependent and is efficient only within that particular platform.

Pros and Cons of Hybrid Apps:


Turning to hybrid app development can cut the mobile app development cost by half in comparison to native app development.

Efficient Update
Rolling out updates is easier when the app is cross-platform. There is a synchronization involved that isn’t present in native app development.

Higher Code Reusability
Cross-platform code can be easily reused (almost 80% of the original codes can be used again). This is one of the main reasons why top companies have transitioned to using hybrid mobile app development.

Larger audience
In general, having an app that is cross-platform means it’s available for Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, etc.


Performance Issues
Hybrid apps do suffer from performance issues because it is more GPU/CPU intense. In some cases, the app response time increases when it is cross-platform.

User Experience Issues
The Apple store has stringent guidelines for accepting hybrid apps into their store. Building a hybrid app that meets the UX requirements thus becomes a challenge.

Use cases for Native apps

Native apps are used when higher performance is desired. Games that require large processing power would benefit from being built as a native app for better performance.

Graphical applications can also benefit from being built as a native app. One of the best examples of this is the Procreate app available on the Apple Store. This is one of the best graphic editing apps available online but is only available for iOS users. By natively creating the app, its developers were able to leverage the processing power of Apple devices and produce an application tailored to their users.

Use cases for Hybrid apps

Hybrid apps have a single code base and allow for large levels of code reusability. If companies are trying to deliver a product or service that is not very dependent on the device it runs on, but can reach maximum users, a hybrid app would be the way to go.

In recent years, developers have been trying to match the performance of hybrid apps with native apps and have succeeded to a great extent. The main advantage of using a hybrid app is the fact that the transition between devices and operating systems is seamless and fluid. This feature appeals to a large customer demographic considering how many devices a person owns nowadays. Facebook is probably the biggest example of a hybrid app. It is written in React Native, which is a cross-platform framework released by Facebook in 2015.

Popular frameworks for Hybrid and Native apps

Popular frameworks for Hybrid apps:

# React Native
# Flutter
# Ionic
# Native Script

Popular frameworks for Native apps:

# Java
# Python
# Ruby
# Javascript
# Kotlin

Mobile app development FAQs:

How much does Native app development cost?

A native application for a small enterprise would cost approximately $49,000. A medium enterprise would need to spend approximately $125,000 while a large enterprise would need to shell out $251,000.

How much does the Hybrid app development cost?

A hybrid application for a small enterprise would cost approximately $38,000. A medium enterprise would need to spend approximately $89,500 while a large enterprise would need to shell out $162,500.

How do I choose a mobile app development company?

Checking customer reviews and the portfolio of the company is the most effective way to choose the right app development company. Also, ensure they have trusted QA and testing measures to ensure a quality app.

Native or Hybrid: Which approach is easier for app developers?

A hybrid approach is always better so that the highest consumer base is targeted. Creating apps natively only helps if the product aims to solve a particular issue or provide a particular service for a certain demographic. In all other aspects, a hybrid approach is preferred.

In house app development v/s mobile app development services?

If you are looking for full control over the project and have a team of developers skilled enough for the job, go for it. If you are looking to save time and money, go for mobile app development services since the price is fixed and the quality is assured.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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