HomeBusinessTips for Creating Great E-commerce Call to Action (CTAs)

Tips for Creating Great E-commerce Call to Action (CTAs)

Finding the best way to motivate your audience to take action of some kind may seem like a big challenge for those who don’t have experience in the e-commerce field. In reality, you can create high-converting e-commerce CTAs (call-to-action) by following a few simple rules which we’re about to describe in the following article.

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#1 Use strong command verbs

Let’s cut to the meat and be honest from the start. You have an e-commerce business, and you want to offer products or services to a specific audience. You don’t have to hide this, as long as you are providing quality and value for money. If you have an e-commerce website, your CTAs should contain strong command verbs like “buy,” “shop,” “purchase” or “order”, etc. Let your audience know exactly what you want them to do.

#2 Create emotion or enthusiasm

An emotional or enthusiastic CTA can provoke the same feeling in the people reading it. Don’t you think that a CTA like “buy now and get a 60% discount!” will create at least a sense of curiosity in the potential buyer? Absolutely yes! Once you provide your audience with a massive benefit, they will be thrilled to see what you have to offer. Make sure to add an exclamation point at the end in order to make the CTA pop and give it an extra kick.

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#3 A reason to take action

Nothing is free today, and because of that, people sometimes need an incentive to take action. Since we’re talking about e-commerce, your audience wants the highest value for the best possible price, and that’s what your main goal should be. To put things straight, what’s in it for them? What can they earn by performing the desired action?

The most important part of the CTA creation process is the unique selling point (USP) that can motivate customers to purchase. Make sure your CTA states in a clear and precise way why customers should take action, and the result could be a higher number of fresh leads or sales (or both).

#4 Be creative

People are tired of seeing the same CTAs over and over again. Don’t just copy and paste what other e-commerce businesses do. Instead, try to think about different scenarios, depending maybe on a specific holiday, or period of the year, or another significant event. Perhaps not all your CTAs will provide impressive results, but that’s ok. You have to adjust based on the circumstances, but in the end, people will appreciate it if your store has a unique approach and identity.

Some Final Words…

Do you have an e-commerce or dropshipping business of some kind? If the answer yes, read the following review about the new dispute mediation service called Purchase Guard, to learn how it can help you improve your customer experience.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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