HomeTechChasing Down the Best Broadband Deals of the New Year

Chasing Down the Best Broadband Deals of the New Year

When the new decade was barely a week old, the UK’s broadband leaders were already launching their new deals, so this is an excellent season for hunting down better terms. Some providers have slashed their prices, while others have sweetened the deal with nonexistent setup costs and more comprehensive products. The huge diversity of the marketplace means you can’t compare broadband costs alone. You must also consider their terms and additional services.


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Vodafone specializes in unlimited broadband products with an ultra-smart broadband app and home line. It also offers minimum speed guarantees and a diverse range of products. Its core product comes at a premium of £23 per month with free installation to boot In exchange, you’ll receive unlimited downloads and a mobile pay-as-you-go phone.

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PlusNet includes line rental and a fixed price guarantee in its latest deals. While the service provider’s products are slightly cheaper than Vodafone’s offerings, its award-winning service adds its own premium to the deal. Most of its products come with unlimited downloads packaged according to speed.

BT broadband

BT broadband has gathered a significant chunk of the UK market for its consistency and the bells and whistles it includes in many of its products. Its monthly prices are a little more expensive than the norm, starting at £28,99 for broadband, antivirus software, and a powerful “Smart Hub.” Sports enthusiasts will find the BT Sport and TV Starter package attractive. It bundles sports viewing, Sky, and fibre into a single package.

Virgin Media

Virgin Media has positioned itself in the middle of the market in terms of cost, but it also offers a range of premium deals for users who need extra speed. Family users will gain a 108Mb line for between £42 and £52 a month. Virgin also offers Sky Sports channels in its top-of-the-market offerings. The brand keeps its eye firmly on its primary asset: the superiority of the broadband itself, so if you’re looking for fuss-free quality, you’ve met your match.

Sky Broadband

Sky broadband stays competitive, offering basic 11Mb speeds for £20 and 59Mb lines for £27. Its top-of-the-market offerings bring movie streaming and gaming into your home at the decidedly light price of £27. If you’re seeking premium entertainment, the service provider is currently offering HD Netflix, Sky Box Sets, and a 59Mb line for £53. When you compare broadband providers, don’t forget your entertainment. Many of the UK’s top brands have included streaming in their products, so this is your opportunity to gain access to your favourite channel at a cheaper price.

Budget Brands

The Post Office still has some of the most pocket-friendly products on the market. Its no-frills offering of an 11Mb line comes at an impressive price of £15.90. TalkTalk is slightly more expensive but adds unlimited downloads to its products. Jetstream is similarly priced and includes a pay-as-you-go product with 17Mb broadband.

The top local brands have done an excellent job of tailoring a diverse array of deals, so there is no perfect provider; only the perfect one for you. Your choice should consider your postcode and the extra services that will add to your lifestyle. Consider the number of people who will be using your connection, too—an overloaded line can become sluggish and may also include extra charges for data.

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