HomeiOSDo You Really Need Antivirus for Mac?

Do You Really Need Antivirus for Mac?

For years, users of Macs have walked around blithely believing that they don’t need to protect their computers with antivirus software. “Macs are immune to viruses,” they might say, or, “There aren’t any viruses that infect the MacOS.” But, while it’s true that malware and viruses don’t affect Macs to the same degree as Windows PCs, it’s a myth that these devices don’t need antivirus protection.

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Apple supplies Macs with built-in protection in the form of Gatekeeper, Xprotect, and a malware removal tool that targets known malware and removes it with each system update. But no operating system is completely immune to malware and viruses, and Mac’s Unix-based OS is no exception to that rule. As Macs gain popularity, Windows PCs become more secure, and hackers become savvier, Macs are growing into an ever-more-enticing target for cyber criminals. Protect your Mac with internet security best practices and a comprehensive security solution.

MacOS Malware Is a Real Threat

MacOS is built in a Unix foundation, which has gained a reputation for security thanks to its hefty permissions system. But new malware and virus threats for Mac emerge regularly, as hackers continually tweak their software so that it can bypass the robust security afforded by Xprotect, Gatekeeper, and Apple’s software permissions system. And, while Xprotect removes any malware it finds with each system update, it can only spot known malware threats that it finds in the MacOS malware definitions — if a zero-day threat has not yet been recognized by Apple, Xprotect won’t have the information it needs to remove it. It won’t be able to recognize the threat.

That’s why malware like the Trojan OSX/Crescentcore has been able to find its way onto so many Mac machines, masquerading as an Adobe Flash player. The malware was even signed with a developer certificate to get around the Apple Gatekeeper security feature, which causes it to block any app that doesn’t have an Apple developer certificate. Once past the MacOS’s defenses, the Trojan installs a malicious app called Advanced Mac Cleaner, checks for third-party antivirus protection, and exploits vulnerable machines.

The threats don’t end there. Apple has recently patched zero-day flaws in Gatekeeper that allowed the malware OSX/Linker to bypass Gatekeeper’s permissions protections. And in 2018, Apple discovered that nearly every CPU it had sold in the previous 20 years has had massive security flaws, dubbed Spectre and Meltdown, which compromised almost every Mac user.

Protect Yourself with a Third-Party Security Solution

Clearly, you need antivirus for Mac operating systems. A comprehensive third-party security solution adds additional protection against viruses, malware, and ransomware, including a more robust set of threat definitions. You need firewall protection to block dangerous websites, and privacy protection to keep hackers from accessing your camera and microphone. A good email spam filter can protect you from phishing scams, which are among the most pernicious threats online, because they prey on users’ emotions to trick them into downloading dangerous software or clicking risky links — and they’re getting more sophisticated.

Implement Best Security Practices Online

You definitely need third-party antivirus protection for your Mac, but that’s no longer enough — you need to stay vigilant online, too, and make sure you keep your MacOS up to date. Don’t use antivirus software for your Mac instead of Gatekeeper and Xprotect — use it alongside those built-in security features for maximum protection.

One of the best things you can do to protect your Mac is to refuse any installations of Flash or Java — these two apps are the most popular disguises for Trojans, and you don’t really need them anymore anyway. If you’re going to install a program of any kind, make sure you can trust it — even apps in the App Store could be compromised, as malware apps do sometimes sneak into the App Store. Gatekeeper will let through anything that’s in the App Store, so read reviews first to make sure an app is legit.

Another important strategy for protecting your Mac is to educate yourself on the signs of phishing emails and be very wary of clicking any links or downloading any attachments you receive, either from unknown senders, or from senders purporting to be institutions you do business with, like your bank or favorite online retailer. If you receive a concerning email and want to verify its contents, don’t click the link offered in the email, but open a new browser window, type in the URL and log into your account from there. That way you can be sure you’re not being taken to a mirror site that will steal your credentials.

Do you need antivirus for your Mac? Yes, you do. Mac viruses and malware are getting more common, as hackers set their sights the increasingly tempting target that is Mac users’ personal data. Don’t become a victim. Protect your Mac from malware, ransomware, viruses, and phishing attacks.

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