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The Current Cyber Threats to Manufacturing Companies and How to Secure their Network

Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), and other smart manufacturing enterprises have successfully increased the efficiency and productivity of manufacturing industries. To incorporate such technologies, industrialists, like butterfly valve manufacturers, are expanding connectivity between their operational technology (OT) networks and external environments, like the Internet and IT networks – that allows them to integrate their management platforms.

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Connecting an OT network to the external environment discloses legacy devices, and if it is structured with no cybersecurity to protect the system – then it is susceptible to a cyberattack. An opposing attack to an OT network in a factory can produce multiple outcomes that can seriously damage manufacturers’ revenue flow, competitive edge, public reputation, and even regulatory intervention.

This article will further discuss the current cyber threats and how manufacturing companies should address them.

The Vulnerabilities of OT Networks

The primary cyber threats that OT networks experience nowadays are the following:

# Ransomware Cyberattacks
The well-known ransomware campaigns, such as NotPetya and WannaCry, disrupted many global manufacturers. Big companies like Renault, Merck, Nissan, and Honda reported that the malicious code corrupted thousands of systems in their OT network. The situation was this: once the ransomware infects a device, it holds the device for ransom and denies any access – stopping it from performing its regular operation.

This kind of attack has led to substantial operational downtime in several factories, causing an estimated hundred million dollar damages. Although these cyberattacks do not target particular OT networks, the caused collateral damages were significant. Hence, your company may not be the target of an attack, yet it does not mean you won’t become a victim.

# Operational Downtime
Attackers access central systems in OT networks to:

1. Effectively outline the operational manufacturing process and
2. Build tools that can knock down the process

The known examples of such cyberattacks happened in 2015 and 2016 when hackers brought down Ukraine’s electricity supply on two separate occasions. These first-ever cyber blackouts left hundreds of thousands of people without electrical supply during cold December days.

The hackers penetrated the production network through external connections to the IT network, exploiting devices to stop their activities and halt the power supply. They took advantage of the low security in the industrial control system (ICS) devices and the total lack of security tools and awareness in electrical companies.

# Endangered Safety
Among the top priorities in manufacturing facilities is the security of employees and equipment. Hackers can also sabotage this crucial aspect in OT networks and put everyone at risk.

In 2015, for example, the German government published that a blast furnace at a steel mill was attacked and endured massive damage because of industrial communication’s manipulation. Another case was in 2017 when Triton/Trisis malware aimed at Schneider Electric’s safety systems that are located mostly in the Middle East.

Keep Your OT Networks Secured

Manufacturers must create an OT security team with both OT and security expertise. Their combined knowledge in a hybrid group can address safety needs while contemplating the special characteristics of OT networks. Here are some of the steps and questions that should be asked that will lead to the successful security of your company’s network.

Gain Visibility
# What does your environment look like?
# What devices do you have?
# How are they connected?
# What interfaces does the OT environment have with the IT network?
# What connection do you have to the Internet?
# What vulnerabilities are these devices exposed to?

Assess the Risk
# What are the cyber risks to your business?
# How can an attacker gain access to your critical systems?
# What are the essential devices?
# What security measures do you already have in place?
# What is your risk exposure?

Define a Security Strategy
# How should your OT network architecture be designed?
# How can your segment between IT and OT functions?
# Can you create zones and micro-segmentation within your OT network?
# What safety policies should be defined?
# How can you increase employee awareness of security threats?

Implement Safety Controls
# Do you have continuous control over your system?
# Can you detect in real-time when something wrong occurs within your environment?
# Can you identify changes to your assets and architecture?
# Do you have control over what comes in and out of your OT network?

OT Integration
# How does OT security fit in your existing security method?
# How can your dedicated OT security tools integrate with your existing tools?
# How can your security team handle the new kinds of information from the OT environment?


Manufacturing businesses have to understand that OT security threats and risks do happen, and they require adequate attention and resources. You have to allocate the right personnel, create a strategy that is fitted to your enterprise, and implement dedicated OT security tools for cybersecurity.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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