HomeHealthVouchers for Anabolic Steroid Drugs Make Non-Medical Use More Prevalent

Vouchers for Anabolic Steroid Drugs Make Non-Medical Use More Prevalent

Anabolic-androgenic or AAS steroids run by a variety of nicknames in the various circles where they’re prevalent, including ‘pumpers,’ ‘gym candy,’ ‘stackers,’ and ‘roids,’ or ‘juice.’ The non-medical use and the harsh effects are the sources for growing concern across the globe with cases of unwanted physical changes, heart issues, and aggression. They boast as being able to build muscle and enhance athletic performance, but the adverse effects can be significant.

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Steroids have a place in the medical community, but the misuse results in dosages up to 100 times the commonly prescribed limit. Legally to obtain the drugs in the United States, the requirement is to have a prescription, but this is not true in all countries. The legalities don’t prevent those in the competitive world from engaging in the abuse in order to remain relevant in the industry. Some of the best anabolic steroid drugs are responsible for the success that these competitors see in their particular categories. The brands are available for sale in a variety of ways with some websites even offering the use of coupon codes or vouchers to make purchase easier.

Anabolic Steroids

The AASs are a ‘synthetic’ version of testosterone or the primary male hormone. These steroids are responsible for affecting various aspects of the body, such as the liver, muscles, kidneys, hair follicles, bones, immune system, blood, reproduction, and the nervous system. Increased testosterone at the time of puberty results in the development of body and facial hair, muscle mass, height increases, voice deepening, and the beginning of the sex drive. The hormone affects overall self-esteem, the level of competitiveness, and aggression.

The Use OfAASs

Using AASs on a consistent level has the potential to lead to a variety of problems among the most concerning dependence and the inability to produce natural testosterone. Some abuse the drugs, and some try to limit the chance for adverse reactions by using them in regimented programs.

• Someone who cycles the anabolics will take the steroids in regimens of up to 12 weeks. The reference to this period is the ‘on’ part of the cycle. The month to several months after deeming the ‘off’ period or the time you go without the use of steroids. During this period, you would likely be using a post cycle therapy to bring the body back to a ‘normal’ place, encouraging the testosterone to produce naturally again.

• Users will often combine a variety of different steroid types or add in other supplements to maximize the potential that the steroid can offer. The process is known as stacking.

• A method that seems to be among the safest is pyramiding when the dose is gradually bumped up to a maximum level and then slowly reduced back down.
There is no proof that these methods, in any way, decrease the chance for adverse effects from steroid use.

Varieties Of Anabolic Steroids

The number of anabolic steroids as listed on various commercial websites total approximately 32 different types, with some having only medicinal purposes and others with use for both medical and performance enhancement. And still, others are strictly illegal. There is a reason why people choose the specific types they opt for:

• To build muscle touts to come from the bulking steroid.
• Strength and endurance boast from performance steroids.
• Burning fat is the claim with cutting steroids.

Steroid use also touts to be beneficial in the competitive industry for recovery and healing, along with metabolism and enhancement. Anabolics offer a multitude of different ways that you can take them either medicinally or in the performance arena:

• Injectable
• Orally
• Implant pellets under the skin
• cream/gel massaged into the skin

AASs bind to androgen receptors after finding their way to the muscle tissue through the bloodstream. The cell DNA interacts with the drug resulting in protein synthesis stimulation, which promotes cell growth.

Steroids In The Athletic Arena

In the United States, steroids are not allowed for non-medical purposes making possession or distribution illegal under the Controlled Substance Act. Though it is not legal in the athletic arena, the drugs sold for this purpose have no legal control as far as their use or the quality of the drug.

Without regulation, athletes typically consume the drugs with a ‘trial-and-error’ ideology gaining advice from teammates, coaches, via websites, or those who workout alongside them. There is no access to a reliable, reputable health practitioner for proper monitoring or advisement to keep them safe and maintain their health.

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Potential Side Effects

The factors that determine the adverse reactions include the product consumed, the dosage, duration, body makeup, gender, and age. For those taken at a standard dose with a prescription, common side effects may include:

1. Pain or difficulty with urination
2. Retain fluid
3. Acne
4. Red cell increase
5. Gynecomastia or ‘man boobs’
6. High cholesterol level (bad cholesterol) and low ‘good’ cholesterol
7. Libido changes
8. Hair loss or unwanted growth
9. infertility

The doctor will supervise use in these instances and perform regular blood tests as a precaution for adverse reactions.

Abuse of steroids generally involves dosages maxing at a level of 100 times those typically given for a prescription. These types of quantities have the potential to results in:

1. Heart attack with potential for cardiac death
2. Potential for tumors on the liver, other liver damage
3. Osteoporosis, bone loss
4. Tendon rupture
5. Shrinking testicles

1. Mood/anxiety disorder
2. Hostility and aggression
3. addiction/dependence
4. Reckless behavior

For women:

1. Voice deepening
2. Menstrual cycle changes
3. Clitoris lengthening
4. Sex drive increase
5. Breast shrinking

Changes that occur have the potential to be permanent even when the drug use has ceased. People who use the drug for an extended period and then suddenly stop have the potential for withdrawal, which may include a significant and severe depression.

Anabolic steroid use has the potential to be dangerous when used without the proper understanding and education on the effects of misusing the drug. Dosage and duration should have adequate supervision from a reliable and reputable healthcare professional for general safety and overall health maintenance purposes. The potential side effects of abuse in competitive-type situations have the possibility of causing permanent damage to the body, not to mention hormone regulation. It’s a decision to be made with careful consideration.

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