HomeDevelopment11 Best Flutter Apps that Will Come in Handy

11 Best Flutter Apps that Will Come in Handy

With ever-rising demand on cross-platform apps, Flutter has become one of the most popular technologies for developing solutions working across different platforms. That’s why we’ve prepared our 11 best and useful Flutter apps to get you acquainted with this technology.

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All of them are tied with different aspects of life: from healthcare to brain-training. Some of these apps are designed to solve problems and make your life easier.

Apps for everyday use

Let’s begin with everyday Flutter apps that you can install. They will help you in your daily routine.

1. Unloc

flutter open source app
This app is designed to work with smart locks so you can lock and unlock doors even if you are away. Imagine the situation: your loved ones will come home early and they don’t have the keys. You can simply send them a key so they can open your door. This process is as simple as an ordinary text message. There are several types of keys like a one time key (works only once) or reusable key (works multiple times).

On the GitHub, you can find access to source code. This app is available on App Store and Google Play Market.

2. Natrium

flutter open source app
If you are into cryptocurrency, you will need a secure wallet that is easy to use. Natrium supports more than 30 different currency conversions. Within the app, you can transfer NANO cryptocurrency to any user, manage your wallets and contacts. Natrium is currently available on Android and iOS. You can find the source code of Natrium on this GitHub page.

3. Watermaniac

flutter open source app
Do you want to control how much water you drink during the day? This app is an absolute lifesaver. Just set up the notifications, and the app will remind you when you should drink another glass of water. You can set various daily goals that rely on your gender and age, so you could always stay hydrated. This app is currently available for Android only, so you can download it via Google Play Market. The source code is also available at GitHub.

4. Deer

flutter open source app
We make to-do lists quite often to keep important things in mind. Deer was created to simplify to-do lists. Convenient UI/UX design will let you write these lists on the go, and custom color schemes will allow you to customize the looks of an app to match your taste. Want to write a quick note or make a list of TV-shows to watch? This feature at your disposal as well. This app is absolutely free for Android, while the iOS version is not confirmed yet. Discover the source code of the app on this GitHub page.

5. My Trail

It’s a simple geolocation app that will save your recent geolocation on the list. But what’s the point of this app? Imagine a situation when you visited a great restaurant a while ago. Now you want to advise this place to your friend, but you can’t remember where exactly this restaurant is. Or another example, you’ve parked your car in a big parking lot and forgot where your car is standing. These are just some of the daily situations in which this app really shines.

It was made for the Spanish market, but other locations are also supported. My Trail is available for iOS and Android for free. GitHub page with the source code is free to explore.

6. You

If you are always wondering what information the Internet knows about you, the You app will let you download your personal info from different social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You download your info from Google as well. But that’s not the only feature of this app. You could locate your phone from another device via this app and clear all the data from it if it was stolen. Visit the official GitHub page to see the source code. This app is Android-only and available on Google Play Market.

Entertaining and educative Flutter apps

These apps are designed to teach you something and to cheer you up. We’re going to tell you about five apps from this category so you can test them on your own.

7. PI Ultimate

Do you want to train your brain in your spare time? It’s about time to learn infinite PI decimals and do the right way. This app will award your fast digit input with additional points, and you can chain it in combos. Longer combos will multiply your score. If you are new to PI decimals, you can read a convenient Help section that will help you remember the digits. Train your brain and show your score to the whole world. It’s available for free on Google Play Market. Learn how this app is built via GitHub.

8. SpaceX GO!

The whole world is watching how SpaceX is conquering space. If you want to stay up to date about news and latest launches, we recommend installing SpaceX GO! Within this app, you will find a lot of useful information about the history of space launches, rocket specifications, and much more. And all this wrapped in the presentative interface and delightful design. To prevent missing the nearest rocket launch, you can easily set up notifications via this app. SpaceX GO! is currently available for Android. Find out about the code on this GitHub page.

9. Zgadula

best flutter apps
It’s a fun variation of the game where you need to guess what’s written on the card on your forehead while the others try to give you various hints. Just install this app on your smartphone, and you will have lots of topics to play with at your disposal: Games, Movies, Animals, and so on. This cheerful party game is currently available both on Android and iOS. The source code is available here.

10. PostMuse

This app will make your Instagram stories prettier with free images and beautiful fonts. Just use its built-in story maker and add to your story various stock images, bright effects, inspirational quotes written with neat typography. You can also use pre-made templates for your story if you want to. You can access this app using the web version or simply download it on your Android or iOS device. The source code is on GitHub as usual.

11. inKino

best flutter apps
It’s a cross-platform cinema app which you can use to monitor movies showtimes in Finnish cinemas and book tickets for the movies. Even though it’s made for the Finnish market, you still can read all information about movies like plotlines, cast members, and so on. It has a simple design, a user-friendly interface, and all functions are easy to access. inKino has three versions available: web version for desktop and apps for Android and iOS. Visit the GitHub to see the source code.

Reasons to choose Flutter

The main purpose of this article is to introduce you to various Flutter apps and show you the diversity of different solutions for everyday life made with Flutter. And if you intended to make a Flutter app and hire Flutter developers you will be pleased to work with this framework. This framework provides one codebase for different platforms leading to faster development and decreased design costs. Overall simplicity is also a significant advantage for choosing the Flutter framework.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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