HomeLifeStyleHow to Maintain Your Relationship with your Family While Living Away from...

How to Maintain Your Relationship with your Family While Living Away from Home

There comes a time in everyone’s life where they’ve to leave their sweet homes in order to pursue new endeavors in life. One thing that most of us go through are the pangs of separation from our family. We might be able to get almost everything from good food to amenities in the best PG accommodation in the city but what we do miss the emotional and physical comfort of having familiar faces around.

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maintain your relationship with your family

Considering we are adjusting to a new lifestyle, or there might be high academic/professional stresses, often it becomes difficult to take out time and stay connected with family, especially as they are living miles away. So, let’s have a look at certain tips through which we can maintain harmonious relationship with our family members while residing away from home.

Social Media to the Rescue

In this time, when digital is the new way of life, you can stay connected with your family members constantly by the medium of social media applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Viber, etc. Drop-in a message, and just update them about yourself and learn about how they are. So that even if you are far away, the little details will help you stay connected.

Nothing Beats the Phone Call

One of the most important and the oldest methods of communication to stay in touch is a phone call. When you hear the familiar voices at a new place, it makes you feel secure. Make sure to speak to your family members and friends and stay connected.

Video Calls to Mark your Virtual Presence

You can be with your family and be a part of some important occasions virtually! Isn’t that exciting? Video calls have made the lives easier for many people, even for those who put up across borders. By the medium of video calls, one can see their family members every day, can be a part of some happening times and feel connected more than ever. Also, the option of video calling is available almost on every social media application these days. So, there’s no such problem of making multiple accounts or network glitches to make a video call. Teach your parents how to make a video call and see their delight in meeting you virtually.

Have Meals Together

When you put up far away from your family, you miss them the most while having your meals, but don’t worry! You can still have your gossip sessions while binging on your food, you just need to fix on a particular time slot when you can have a video call and do all the necessary arrangements beforehand like getting your food in place and finding a comfortable place to sit, eat and talk and voila you can enjoy your meals with your family!

These are some of the points that one can keep in mind in order to maintain harmonious relationships with their family. At professionally managed PG accommodation providers like Stanza Living, they factor in the necessity of creating a wholesome community environment for residents. That’s why there are regular community meetups when you put up there. With these meet-ups, the intent is to not only reduce the feeling of homesickness but foster the feeling of having a second family in the form of your housemates. You can check out some amazing properties that Stanza Living has to offer by visiting their website.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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