HomeHome ImprovementPool Thermometers – How to Choose the Best One?

Pool Thermometers – How to Choose the Best One?

Do you always shiver when going into the pool? Regardless of the unbearable heat, water temperature is mainly determined by the pool exposure to the sun. If your pool is installed under a shade in your backyard, you can’t hope for much water warmth.

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Nevertheless, instead of wondering about water temperature every time you wish to have a swim, make sure you purchase a pool thermometer. The role of this instrument is to provide homeowners with an accurate temperature reading, particularly useful for parents with toddlers.

We hope the following tips prove to be helpful when purchasing such an accessory.

pool thermometer

Choose a type

When looking for a pool thermometer, homeowners are provided with a variety of analog and digital models. The analog regulators use a mercury strip to show the changes in temperature. This strip moves upwards and expands once the device detects an increase in temperature, whereas it moves downwards once the water gets colder. These instruments are affordable to purchase and convenient to use, as long as you keep them away from direct exposure to the sun.

In contrast, digital thermometers are known to be high-tech and more accurate, displaying the temperature on a digital screen. Nowadays, numerous pool maintenance companies like https://bluewaterspoolservices.com/pool-thermometer/, provide professional advice to homeowners for purchasing high-quality pool thermometers. Most of the digital models are equipped with a probe, which is submerged into the water for the purpose of monitoring temperature.

Nowadays, the largest part of digital thermometers is designed to be wireless, hence enabling homeowners to track the temperature without going anywhere near the pool. As long as the instrument is connected to a smartphone application, you can monitor the change in degrees from any other location.
choose pool thermometers

After choosing between analog and digital thermometers, you’re also supposed to make a choice of a floating, handing, or a handheld device. The floating instruments can be either analog or digital, measuring the warmth of the water with the help of sensors. Anyhow, these devices aren’t considered as entirely accurate since they’re partially submerged under the surface.

Additionally, the hanging thermometers have to be attached either to the pool ladder or one of its sides. The lower part of the instrument is submerged underneath the surface, as it contains the sensors that measure the temperature. Consequently, the reading of these thermometers is believed to be more accurate than the floating ones.

Ultimately, the handheld models, as their name implies, are held in the hand when being used. The water warmth is determined by pointing an infrared laser at the water, which immediately provides a reading. Click here to learn more about the accuracy and uses of infrared thermometers.

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Choose between a solar-powered and a battery-powered model

In terms of power, pool thermometers can be either powered by solar energy or a battery source. The former are environmentally-friendly, using no finite energy, but the plentiful amount of solar power. Homeowners are charged a higher price for these units in return for the minimal maintenance cost in the years to follow.

The battery-powered models can be purchased at affordable prices, but you‘ll be obliged to buy replacement batteries regularly. The only way to cut down on these costs is by using rechargeable batteries, which require frequent charging.

Consider durability

An important factor to consider when purchasing such an instrument is the durability of the unit, which depends on its material. Make sure you choose a model made from a high-end material in order to withstand the never-ending sun exposure and the exposure to water chemicals. Keep in mind that low-cost models are more susceptible to damage, as water is more likely to enter inside the device.

Therefore, you’re encouraged to look for online product reviews prior to making a purchase, posted by previous customers, willing to share their experiences. Also, the product is supposed to come with a minimum of a one-year warranty that covers any damage to the instrument in the course of the guarantee period. Some of the high-end models can be purchased with as much as five-year warranty.

Final word

No more unnecessary shivering or sweating. Purchase a thermometer to stay on top of your pool temperature!

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