HomeHome ImprovementBest Tricks on Updating Floors at Home

Best Tricks on Updating Floors at Home

Updating something at home is always exciting. Even if it’s a small change, it feels as if you moved into a new house which is very exciting. One of the easiest ways to make a change is to replace or update floors in your house or apartment. It’s easier than completely repairing the whole room, apartment, or even a house.

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You won’t even need to change your furniture, you can simply move it to another room while you are busy with a repair. There are so many ways to update your home, you will be surprised. For example, if you have hardwood like flooring, you won’t even have to replace it, just apply a top finish and it will look as good as new. But if you want to replace your flooring, there are several amazing and most important, inexpensive ways for updating floors at home.

updating floor tiles

Preparing Floors

If you are determined to replace your current flooring, then it’s best to level your floors. Leveling floors means creating a perfectly even base floor. As you already know, the layer of the floor that we see and on which we are walking every day is a top floor. It may be a tile floor, vinyl, laminate, hardwood, carpet, etc. But under this layer, there is a base floor layer.

To avoid any noises when you step on a floor, it has to be completely even, without pumps, pits, or other flaws. So before you install any type of flooring, it must be leveled. You need a special leveler substance for uneven floors. You don’t even have to apply it on the whole surface, just in those areas where the floor is uneven.

To figure out where the bumps and pits, you need a special tool that is called level. With the help of this tool, you will find all flaws in your base floor. If there are bumps, you need to cut them, if there are pits, you need to use the leveler substance. Before leveling the floor, it’s recommended to thoroughly vacuum clean it and then clean it with a wet mop. Then let the leveler substance dry for a certain time – the time is indicated by the manufacturer.
When the base floor is perfectly even without any floors, you may apply the flooring you prefer. Below you can learn more about various options that can be used in any home.

Vinyl Tiles

tricks for updating floor tiles
This type of flooring was formerly known as linoleum. Back then it was considered as a cheap and not quality way to change install flooring. But today, it is a modern and inexpensive way to change something in your home. Vinyl tiles look just like ceramic tiles, except that they are thinner and easier to install.

The material can imitate everything you want – wood, natural stone, mosaic, etc. You may choose various patterns, you could even create a checkerboard in your room! The best thing about installing vinyl tiles is not even the price, it’s the simplicity of applying tiles. Even a beginner can install vinyl tiles as long as the base floor is flawless.
Some manufacturers create vinyl tiles with a special adhesive on the side of a tile that is glued to the floor. That way it is even easier to install vinyl floors. Installed vinyl is easily maintained, you won’t need any special chemicals to clean floors at home. It will be enough to clean it with a vacuum cleaner and warm water.

Vinyl is preferred by many users since it has good qualities and comes at a pretty low price. For example, it is resistant to humidity, it’s warm to the touch, and it does not take a lot of money to install it.


tips to update floor tiles
If you are a big fan of hardwood, but you can’t afford to install it at your home, there is a special option for you – laminate. Laminate is preferred by a lot of users since it is a perfect imitation of hardwood. Since modern hardwood flooring doesn’t even need to be nailed to a base floor, it’s even harder to differentiate between a real wooden floor and laminate. Most hardwood flooring manufacturers offer floating floors with clicked-in systems, just like laminate manufacturers do.

What makes laminate extremely attractive is the prices. You can find laminate floors of the best possible quality, and it will still be affordable. Another great thing about laminate is that it is easy to install. Thanks to the clicked-in system, you don’t have to nail it to the base floor.

Each separate plank has a tongue and a groove. To install laminate flooring, you need to place planks in rows from right to left with a groove faced out. And then you may install the second row by inserting the tongue into a groove. That makes a locked-in system simple and easy to install. You may choose any pattern you prefer, usually, laminate imitates wooden patterns. That makes it hard to differentiate between real wood and composite wood.

Ceramic or Porcelain Tiles

tips to update floor tiles
A ceramic tile floor is beautiful, durable, and also may imitate any pattern you like. If you like how the wood looks, but you don’t want to install laminate or hardwood, then ceramic tiles perfectly imitate wood. Most people want to install something more durable and damage resistant to kitchens or bathrooms. You won’t install wood, laminate, or vinyl in the kitchen, although these options may be applied.

Ceramic tiles are traditionally more durable and damage-resistant. And the best thing about this type of flooring is that if you manage to damage a tile, you may replace it without replacing the whole flooring. For example, if you damage a wooden or laminate plank, you will have to dismantle the flooring, then replace a plank, then install the planks again.

Ceramic tile floor may imitate any material you like. You can choose to buy tiles that imitate wood, mosaic, various patterns like sea bottom, etc. Most ceramic tiles imitate natural stone material, such as marble, granite, etc. You can choose anything you like. Installation is pretty simple, you need the tiles and a special adhesive manufactured for tiles.

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Refresh Hardwood Flooring

best tips for floor updating
If you are one of those lucky individuals who have hardwood floorings at home, you won’t have to replace anything. Hardwood can be returned to its natural state. Unlike composite wood which has a thin veneer layer of real wood on top, hardwood planks are 100% wooden. It means that you may refresh wooden planks by applying a full sanding and refinishing procedure. Technically, you may maintain your hardwood floors for centuries.

If your flooring looks tired but sanding and refinishing are not needed yet, you may simply give a good clean to your floor. Try not to move your furniture, if you need to vacuum clean a certain area, lift it and clean under the piece of furniture. Then use a wet mop to clean the floors. If it’s heavily dirty, buy a special chemical designed specifically for natural wood.

Another great option to make your floor look new and fresh is to apply a top finish. Any top finish is wearing off after some time. You may notice some scratches on its surface, or sometimes it completely wears off. You can buy special top finishes. There are two types:

# wax finish;
# lacquer finish.

The wax finish looks more natural, it has an oily structure and protects the wooden floor from damage. If you prefer shiny floors, then you can apply a lacquer finish.

Another option is buffing and polishing hardwood. It’s easier than sanding and refinishing the top layer with a finish. This procedure, unlike sanding, may be accomplished without professional help. As long as you have a rotating machine, you can refresh your flooring and give it a second life.


floor tiles updation
One of the easiest ways to refresh your floor is to roll a carpet on it! The best thing about carpeted floors is that it is cozy and extremely pleasant to your feet. If you live somewhere where it’s usually cold in the mornings, or overall cold, you will appreciate a carpet on the floor. It’s relatively easy to install a carpeted floor, although you will need additional tools.

There are two options, you may either install a full carpet floor, or you can buy a smaller carpet. If you don’t want to replace floors inside your house or apartment, but you want to update your rooms, you may buy a carpet with a certain pattern and place it in the middle of the room.

For example, if you want to refresh the floor in your living room, place a carpet under a coffee table right in front of the couch. That way you will have a pleasant view and your bare feet will appreciate the soft sensation of touching a carpet.

No matter what type of flooring you choose, it’s important to consider your budget. Bear in mind that most types of flooring need additional materials for installment, so add these expenses to your budget. The best thing about modern flooring types is that they are affordable, of good quality, and beautiful.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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