HomeiOSA Step-by-Step Guide for Downloading Apple’s OS- the macOS Big Sur

A Step-by-Step Guide for Downloading Apple’s OS- the macOS Big Sur

Apple’s new operating system- the macOS Big Sur has already created a buzz with its public beta. Apple executives uncovered the latest version of its operating system- the macOS, known as Big Sur at its yearly Worldwide Developers Conference this year in June.

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The new-fangled operating system is designed in a way to include updates. Some of the exemplary ones that have caught user attention are refreshed Messages and Maps, a better version of its web browser Safari, several design changes, and a lot more. The macOS Big Sur is currently available as a public beta. Yet, the buzz says that Apple users will be able to download the software update by fall this year.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Downloading Apple’s OS- the macOS Big Sur

I’m sure you can’t wait to download this new version of Apple’s operating system, But the question of how to upgrade to this latest technology is holding your way back! Well, it isn’t as difficult as you think. All you’ve to do is follow this step-by-step guide, and you’ll see yourself in serenity. Nevertheless, before paving a path for this new software make sure that your Mac has compatibility with the new operating system.

How to download macOS Big Sur public beta?

Read on and follow the below-mentioned steps for downloading the macOS Big Sur:

● Are you thinking of downloading the new operating system on an old Mac device? Well, backing up your data is the foremost step when downloading the beta version because you can’t risk losing your precious data.

● Visit the website https://beta.apple.com on your Mac.

● Select macOS from the drop-down menu of the list of programs after signing in your Apple ID.

● Choose Enroll your Mac by clicking on the Getting Started Section.

● Click on the blue button, which is labeled as Download the macOS Public Beta Access Utility after seeing the next page appear.

● Click open the file which is downloaded and then follow the prompt instructions that appear. After installing the utility, you must use the update tool for checking software updates. This appears in the System Preferences. Install the software after following the prompts.

● Restart your system, and voilà, you’ll see your system running on the latest public beta version of the Big Sur.

The good news is that you can also download the public beta versions of iPadOS 14 and iOS 14. But, the experts here recommend embarking upon an apt research journey before installing the public beta. Yes, some people believe that it can be buggy, that is some apps might not work in the best manner. Some issues like crashes and random restarts are probable. Thus, backing up your Mac by employing a Time Machine is the best thing that you can do before thinking of installing the software.

Some more ideas that are most likely to save you from chaos later are:

● Having a free space of at least 30-50 GB.

● Installing bootable Catalina so that the doors of going back are always open.

● Installing the new software on a separate partition/ drive, whenever possible.

The new software that Apple has unveiled is causing excitement to Mac users all across the globe. Yes, something that makes its use even better is the world of revolutionary tools that it has sworn to provide. Ever imagined using a floating dock or a customizable notification panel? Well, macOS Big Sur runs beyond your imagination.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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