HomeTechOrganizations are Falling Behind on Cloud Security

Organizations are Falling Behind on Cloud Security

The cloud has been a game-changer for businesses. Whereas previously all data storage, management and processing had to be carried out locally, it can today be executed over the internet — using data centers to harness everything from massive storage capabilities to huge, once unimaginable computing power.

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Advantages associated with using the cloud range from cost saving and scalability (no need to pay permanent hardware and hire people to work for you in order to manage it) to real-time collaboration tools for working with colleagues and the mobile ability to access files and systems anywhere so long as you have internet connectivity (perfect for pandemic working). As a result of these advantages — and more — there are very few organizations that do not have some form of cloud-based infrastructure today.

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But cloud deployments pose unique cloud security challenges. In some cases, these are directly tied in with what makes the cloud such a valuable proposition. One of the most notable examples of this comes down to accessibility. The fact that a business owner or employee can easily log-in remotely to access files, platform, infrastructure and more via the cloud means that, in theory, attackers or other bad actors could do the same. The more seamless and straightforward the process of logging in might seem to a legitimate user, the easier it is for an illegitimate one as well.

Facing the challenges

The fact that these cloud systems are accessible using the public internet is a big challenge. A hacker breaking into a system could steal valuable data or stage other kinds of attack — including, increasingly, attempts to harness cloud-based processing power to illegally mine for cryptocurrency. Attackers frequently scan the internet in an attempt to find cloud servers that are lacking suitably strong passwords, utilize brute force attacks or exploit patching vulnerability in order to gain access to these systems. Once they have, they are free to operate, disguised as a legitimate user.

As companies move more and more of their vital infrastructure to the cloud, cyber criminals have turned to the cloud to try and pull off successful attacks on targets. Visibility and security is further complicated by multi-cloud deployments. Multi-cloud reflects a development in the way that organizations use cloud services online. Instead of sticking with one cloud provider for their Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) requirements, more companies than ever now utilize a multi-cloud arrangement.

Multi-cloud and more

Multi-cloud setups can theoretically improve reliability (because it provides alternate options in the case of downtime or outages), avoid vendor lock-in, and more. However, it can also make attacks more likely. This is due to the greater number of services being utilized, thereby increasing the number of ways you could be attacked, and the different security features offered by each, complicating the security aspect of this particular setup. Multi-cloud environments are considerably more complex, and may bring about issues such as lack of integration between different security devices, which are unable to see one another as a result. Cybercriminals are more than happy to take advantage of some of these weaknesses.

Scarily, many IT leaders have not developed sufficiently advanced cloud security strategies. This is particularly egregious because many of the classic, on-premises computer system security measures, like firewalls and antivirus software, may not be utilized for cloud environments since they can result in performance bottlenecks and other issues.

Building software precautions for the cloud

What is needed are new security precautions built specifically for the cloud. Areas like visibility should be prioritized, meaning that even in scenarios where multi-cloud systems are employed, users should ensure that they have methods of monitoring simultaneously for threats. Cybersecurity expert systems will ensure that your cloud data and application security programs are consistent and straightforward, making it easy to manage them from one central location with common policies across them all.

Cybersecurity experts should also be able to halt incoming web applications and potential API attacks which could result in data theft or other attacks. In addition, they can help you monitor exactly who accesses data and applications on your system, and track data activity by everyone from cloud administrators through the users of individual applications. In short, they should make sure that nobody accesses data or applications belonging to you without you having knowledge of it.

The cloud represents a brave new world for businesses. It would be wrong to write off taking advantage of it because of the potential risks that it entails. (Especially since your business rivals almost certainly are using the cloud, making it tough to compete otherwise.) What organizations should do is make themselves aware of the potential risks and dangers that come with the cloud landscape.

Fortunately, the tools are there to help keep you safe. Just make sure that you follow them and you’ll be able to defend against the worst that cyber attackers might throw at you.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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