HomeHome ImprovementWater Damage Restoration in the Home with SERVPRO of West Pensacola

Water Damage Restoration in the Home with SERVPRO of West Pensacola

Water is one of the essential needs of humans and it is very critical to everyday life. However, it has the capacity to destroy anything that stays in its path and this can leave one with a huge mess to deal with. It is expedient that homeowners continually inspect various locations in their homes to prevent any case of water damage.

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Water damage can be caused by a number of factors ranging from natural disasters to sewer lines or burst pipes. While this might be devastating to some people, there is a solution to damages that occur as a result of flood and it is through a process called “Water damage restoration.” This is the process of removing water from affected homes and restoring it to a conducive condition.

water damage restoration
Making efforts to restore a home must happen as soon as possible as water has the capacity to destroy the foundation of a building. When there is a disaster, you need to first determine if you can handle the cleanup or contract the services of experts. If you want to handle it, you will need some DIY tips to go through with the process. However, if the situation is severe, then you will need to hire water damage restoration experts. In the event that you have decided to use professionals and you need recommendations, you can visit: https://www.servprowestpensacola.com to learn more about them.

We have also outlined some steps to water damage restoration in the home as well as factors to consider before water damage restoration

Factors to Consider Before Water Damage Restoration

The following are some factors to consider before water damage restoration.

Water Volume
For homes that experience moderate or small amount of flood, you can manage it if you have the right tools handy. However, if the flooding is significant and requires the use of higher equipment, the best decision here would be to call an expert. If you live in a neighborhood that is just recovering from large flood or natural disaster and your home is affected, it may not be ideal for you to start trying out some DIY tips.

Damage Source
Before delving into the restoration process, you need to find out the source of the flood. There are three indications to look out for if you are experiencing flood in your home and they include:

Clean water: This type emanates from leaky pipes or from rain. It does not contain chemicals that are harmful and you can easily handle it.

Gray Water: This type is usually from appliances that are leaking like the dishwasher, washing machine, or toilet. It is slightly contaminated and if you take precautions, you can manage the situation.

Blackwater: This type is usually from the sewer or an overflooded water source like a river. It is usually filled with health hazards and is considered unsafe to manage.

Damage Level
It is important to assess the impact of the damage before taking a decision. Light damages are often handled by the homeowner. However, if the damage is significant and hazardous, it is imperative that you seek the assistance of a professional.

Steps to Water Damage Restoration in the Home

The following are some steps to water damage restoration in the home:

Disconnect Outlets
One of the foremost steps to take when you find out that there is flood damage is to disconnect all electronic appliances. While it may be difficult to ascertain the severity of the flooding at first glance, you have to take precautionary measures around gas lines and appliances. Going ahead to use appliances when there is a situation can cause explosions or electrical shocks.

Inspect Mold
There are some kinds of mold strains that are toxic to human beings and have the capacity to pose severe health risks. Most times, mold can move fast once it gets hold of an area. With the knowledge of this, it is imperative that you inspect the home to find mold growths capable of creating health hazards. For lesser issues, cutting the affected area out and disposing it should suffice. However, when there are serious infestations of mold, you have to shut down every air passage to prevent further contamination before you contact a mold specialist. Every homeowner should prioritize efforts geared towards keeping mold in check as they are capable of affecting the health of the occupants.

Dry Water Out
Before incurring further damages, try to eliminate every moisture and dry the affected areas out. You can make use of large-capacity dehumidifier or fans to circulate air and dry the rug, wood and every other surrounding material. While this may not totally prevent mold growth, drying out the area properly will lessen the damage.

Dispose Damaged Materials
If water soaks the porous materials in your home such as carpet or insulation, you will have to dispose them to prevent mildew. You can focus on the floors and ceiling first as they are both important. By implication, drywall, unsealed cement, and wood need to be replaced to enable the home’s structure to support the restoration process.

Disinfect Other Areas
It is important you know the type of flood you are dealing with. Some have the capacity to contain so many bacteria and other harmful properties that are dangerous to human health. Flood can also encourage the speedy growth of mold and to prevent this, you have to sanitize immediately. The next step to take after the removal of damaged materials is the disinfection of the whole area before the commencement of the restoration process.
These are some of the steps to water damage restoration with the service of professionals. You can also search online if you need more details. Additionally, if you are looking to buy a home and you need to know if it’s a flood prone area, you can check here.


While flood damage may be considered to be a very stressful and sometimes financially draining situation for homeowners, there is a possibility of restoring the home back to normalcy if the right steps are taken. If you decide to take on the restoration process, it is imperative that you assess the situation properly before you start to avoid exposing yourself to health hazards. You can also contact professionals to handle the entire process for you.

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