HomeBusinessSteps to Follow When Searching for an Oracle Partner

Steps to Follow When Searching for an Oracle Partner

As Oracle has continued to grow, it comes as no surprise that it has expanded its Oracle partners list. As much as all of them usually claim to be good at offering Oracle compliance services such as Oracle auditing and software asset management, this is not always the case. When looking for an Oracle partner to hire, it’s in your best interest to follow certain precautionary steps. As simple as they sound, these steps can assist you to avoid hiring an Oracle partner that doesn’t deliver. Listed below are the said steps.

1. Seek Referrals

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If you’re searching for an Oracle partner to provide you with excellent OCI compliance services, the very first step you should follow is to seek referrals. Referrals are extremely important as they save one a lot of time. By getting referrals, you can narrow your list of firms to consider.

2. Carry Out Thorough Background Checks

Soon after you get your references, you should then carry out thorough background checks on the suggested firms. This step is quite essential as it’ll assist you in learning more about your references. The more information you gather, the better. Using the information you gather, you’ll know which firms you can engage and which ones you should avoid.

3. Review Past Customers’ Feedback

After going through each of the suggested firms’ backgrounds, you should go through each of the firms’ past clients’ reviews. Past clients’ reviews say a lot about a company. If a firm has positive reviews, it can be relied on. On the other hand, if a firm’s past clients’ reviews are negative, it’s safe to say that the firm cannot be relied on. Once you go through each of your references’ reviews, you’ll know which of the firms you should contact.

4. Conduct Interviews

Once you’ve gone through each of the firm’s past clients’ reviews, you should conduct interviews. During these interviews, you should ask the firm’s relevant questions such as their employees’ level of training and experience, their accreditation documents, and their track record. Although these questions don’t sound rather essential, they pretty much are. Firms with fantastic track records, experienced employees, and are credited normally find it easy to respond to questions. Contrastingly, firms with poor track records and relatively inexperienced employees tend to deviate from answering questions.

Qualities of A Good Oracle Partner

Reliable Oracle partners tend to possess certain qualities. Thus, apart from following the steps mentioned above, here are some of the qualities you should look for in an Oracle partner when searching for one to hire.

Well-Trained IT Professionals

In case you’re searching for an Oracle partner to hire, it’s advisable that you go for one with well-trained and experienced IT professionals. You should do this because well-trained and experienced professionals often deliver better services than their lesser trained and inexperienced colleagues. Thus, by choosing an Oracle partner with well-trained and experienced professionals as your partner-of-choice, you’d be making a fairly wise move.

Proven Track Record

It’s a commonly known fact that Oracle partner firms with proven track records, more often than not, provide better OCI compliance services than Oracle partner firms with poor records of performance. To avoid getting low-quality OCI compliance services, it’d be advisable to contact a firm whose track record speaks volumes about its capabilities.

Good Reputation

When searching for an Oracle partner firm to contact, you should contact a firm with a good reputation. A firm’s reputation, just like its track record, speaks volumes about its trustworthiness. Naturally, humans tend to praise firms that offer exceptional services while dismissing firms that offer below-standard services. If you select a firm with a good reputation as your preferred Oracle partner, you can rest easy as you’re certain you’ll receive the high-quality services you desire.

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Affordable Services

For many years, several organizations complained of the high fees demanded by the existing Oracle partner. However, as the number of Oracle partners that offer exceptional services at affordable services has continually increased, the number of complaints has witnessed a massive reduction. Avoid getting overcharged. When you require OCI compliance services, you should seek services from a firm known to offer affordable services.

High Customer Retention Rate

Prior to choosing a given Oracle partner, you should get to know about its customer retention rate. It’s worth noting that firms that provide their clients top-notch services normally have a high customer retention rate. In contrast, firms that provide low-quality services tend to have a low customer retention rate. By selecting a firm with a high customer retention rate, you need not worry about being let down as such firms’ never let their esteemed clients down.

Excellent Employee Retention Rate

A company’s employee retention rate tells you how well the company treats its employees. As an organization head, it’s quite evident that when you choose an Oracle partner, you intend to engage with the company for a long duration. It’s also obvious that you’d like the employees who served you the very first time to serve you continually. Employees who feel valued always stick around. The more valued they feel, the more hardworking they become. If you’d like to get a long-term Oracle partner, it’s advisable that you contact a firm that has an exceptional employee retention rate.

Attentive Professionals

When looking for an Oracle partner to hire, it’s essential that your firm-of-choice has attentive professionals. Attentive professionals normally offer exquisite OCI compliance services. By selecting a firm with attentive professionals, you need not worry about being let down. Instead, you can rest easy as you’re certain you’ll be accorded the magnificent services you require.
Choosing the right Oracle partner is extremely critical. By following this guide, you can rest assured that you’ll hire a firm that you can count on to come through for you.

Benefits of Choosing A Reliable Oracle Partner

It’s a well-known fact that unreliable Oracle partners are usually quite difficult to work with. By selecting an Oracle partner that’s known to always come through for its clients, here are some of the wonderful benefits you’ll enjoy.

Peace of Mind

On numerous occasions, a good number of companies have been fined massive penalties due to breaching their contractual agreement with Oracle. Some have even been forced to shut down. To avoid suffering such a fate, it’s advisable that you have an Oracle partner you can trust. Given that your Oracle partner will inform you of any wanting issues that warrant your attention, you need not worry about being ambushed by Oracle.

Good Guidance

In an attempt to ensure that it caters to all its different clients, Oracle boasts of having a long list of products. Without the assistance of a reliable Oracle consultant, you may find it difficult to know which product you need. Given that employees at Oracle partners tend to be immensely knowledgeable, they can easily assist you in getting the product you require.

Keep You Up-To-Date

Oracle releases critical security patches quarterly. It also releases urgent updates from time to time. Oracle partners are usually well aware of new updates. By having one by your side, you need not worry about being left behind.

Creative Problem-Solving

Oracle partners tend to have brilliant professionals. Using their immense brilliance, they normally assist organizations grappling with issues by offering fresh perspectives. Sometimes, a fresh perspective is all you need to prosper. When you’ve got brilliant problem-solvers assisting you, you’re bound to succeed.

If you’d like to see your business prosper, you should hire a dependable Oracle partner.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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