HomeTechWays to Make Your Presentation Slides More Engaging

Ways to Make Your Presentation Slides More Engaging

The hardest part about presenting to a group of people is keeping them engaged. They might listen for a few minutes, and you will lose them. The attention span of human beings is generally short. It’s even more challenging if you have to deal with potential business investors. These people are always busy. They don’t have enough time to sit and listen for a long time. You have to keep them engaged until you succeed in winning them over. These tips might help you to make your presentation slides more engaging, attentive and interesting.

Add pictures and videos

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Using text throughout your presentation is boring. It doesn’t matter how you summarized the information. Instead of showing words all the time, you can add exciting pictures and videos to the mix. They also help break the monotony. If you’re presenting ideas, you can let the videos speak. No matter how good a speaker you are, you can still lose people’s attention if you don’t have pictures and videos on your presentation.

Keep them short

The average attention span of an adult is roughly five minutes. Presentations don’t usually end in five minutes. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t keep it short. Assume that you’re the listener. Which information appeals more to you? What type of data would you want to hear? By answering these questions, you can eliminate unnecessary content. You can focus on ideas that help your audiences. If you can keep everything short, it’s better.

Record yourself while practising. If you start getting bored, you can expect others to feel the same. Use a ceiling projector while presenting. It’s easier to shorten your presentation since the visual aids help clarify the information. It’s better than talking all the time.

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Crack jokes

If you’re funny and people laugh at your regular jokes, you can include them in your presentation. It also helps if you show a bit of personality while speaking. You will entice more people to listen to you. Besides, if you’re talking to potential business investors, they also want to know you. Show them that you’re capable of having fun. Even if you mean business, you have a lighter side too. It helps win more investors over.

The only caveat is that your jokes might be off-putting. If you intend to say something funny, you should run it to others first. If you didn’t make them laugh, there’s probably something wrong with what you said. Stay away from controversial lines, especially if they involve politics and religion. Even if they’re funny, you’re placing everyone in a tough spot.

Provide new information

If you keep providing information that other people already know, they won’t feel interested. Try to include unique facts that you recently learned. If they add value to your presentation, it’s even better. You can keep the listeners interested if you make them say wow with every fact that comes out of your mouth.

Prepare yourself and practise hard before your presentation to make slides more engaging. You will feel more confident in engaging people if you’re confident in yourself

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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