HomeBusinessDo Criminal History Checks Help Prevent Workplace Theft?

Do Criminal History Checks Help Prevent Workplace Theft?

Is there a problem with workplace theft in Australia? It’s not just Australia, workplace theft is a major concern for business owners all over the world. This is one of the main reasons more and more Australian businesses are using background checks in the pre-hiring screening process, to make sure the people they hire won’t rob them blind. In this article we’ll be looking how to prevent  workplace theft and the benefits of using criminal history checks.

How big a problem is workplace theft?

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It may sound shocking, but at least 3 out of 4 employees admit to stealing from their employers, according to a major US study.

In Australia, things don’t look any better. According to Australian Federal Police statistics, workplace theft costs business around $1.5 billion.

The sum is huge and, no, such thefts are not committed by skilled criminals who become millionaires after a few months on a job. It’s nothing like that. In most cases, workplace theft refers to petty thefts, like stealing a few light bulbs, pocketing a bit of cash from the till or bringing a few colorful markers to your kid. People think it’s of no consequence, although every single item they take from the office costs money.

Another fact most people ignore is that even such petty thefts constitute a criminal offence in Australia. Most people would not dare steal a notebook from the store, but have no qualms about slipping it into their bag when they leave the office.

How can background checks help?

Virtually all business owners know that most of their employees steal office supplies or merchandise and there’s very little they can do about that. What they can do is to make sure they don’t hire people who already have various thefts on their criminal record.

Making background checks standard procedure also sends a powerful message to the rest of the employees, those that steal the soap from the toilet or Post-It notes. Letting them know that the management is not blind to their misconduct might deter someone from stealing from their boss.

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What is the easiest way of conducting criminal history checks?

Human Resources employees already have enough on their plate and they don’t need more red-tape in the screening process. Sending all job applicants to their local police station and waiting for them to come back with the police clearance means more paperwork and a lot of wasted time. The solution is using online character check agencies like the following Australian owned and operated service: australiannationalcharactercheck.com.au (ANCC) – which require no paperwork of any kind, do not create any inconvenience to the candidates and work very quickly.

There’s a lot of debate on how HR managers should deal with candidates that turn out to have a criminal record. Should they reject them all? Is it even legal?

From a legal point of view, yes, HR managers can easily justify their decision to turn down someone with a criminal record. Ironically, though, people who get a second chance are in many cases less likely to steal from their employers. It’s not necessarily that they changed their lives after prison, but rather fear. An employee with a criminal past is aware he or she will be watched closely and, in any case, they’ll be the first to blame in case there is a theft.

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