HomeBusinessHow to Make Your Cafe Appealing

How to Make Your Cafe Appealing

If you have a passion for baking, you may be considering opening up your own café. But, with a lot of cafes on the high street, can a new spot really stand out to passers-by? The answer is yes with some hard work. Starting your business without a brand name behind you and with no prior experience can seem daunting. Yet, it is also an exciting time that you can really capitalise on. Customers love to support small businesses and try somewhere new. So, here are some tips on how to make your cafe appealing and eyecatching.

Work on Your Window Display

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You want to draw people into your café. One of the best ways to do this is with an eye-catching window display. This can involve showing off cakes or demonstrating the comfortable seating you have. In addition, you can have attractive window vinyl that is going to show off your branding to everybody that is walking by.

Use Social Media

Do not forget that almost everybody is on social media now. This is something that you have to utilise for your café and to spread the word about what you are offering. So, ensure that your establishment has a social media account. This can be on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can post inviting messages for your customers and display any new recipes you have going on. Do not forget to take fabulous photos of the food. This is going to entice people to visit and make a purchase.

Have an A-Board

It is time to get back to basics. You are going to need an a-board for your café. This is still a fantastic way to advertise to people walking by and to entice them in. It really can boost footfall. You can update the a-board on a regular basis with your specials that day or any discounts you are running. People cannot help but notice as they pass by and this can help bring in trade. You should put a lot of effort into your a-board. This can include making the writing neat, having small drawings and even smiley faces. This is going to seem inviting and welcoming to people that have never been in your café before.

Offer Competitive Prices

First of all, you need to think of who your target market is. Are you trying to capture casual shoppers and builders on their lunch break? Are you going for the artisan bakery theme? Once you have found your target market, the next step to make your café appealing is to offer competitive prices.

Of course, you do not want to be offering more expensive cakes and coffee than your competitors. After all, without an established name, customers are not going to want to pay this extra money. In addition, you do not want to under-price your goods since it can create the wrong message too. Do some research and set some competitive prices.

Have a Loyalty Card Scheme

There is nothing people love more than a freebie. While you are a new business, this is still something you can offer and make money from at the same time. The way you can do this is with a loyalty card scheme. You can offer them to customers and when they purchase a few drinks or cakes, they can get one for free. This is a way to encourage people to spend more money at your business. Every time they make a purchase, you can stamp their loyalty card and you may notice them coming to buy from you more often.

Use Branded Takeaway Cups

Coffee is like a trend. Everybody that drinks it wants to know where you got your cup. This is something to remember when you have a café. If you have a takeaway service, a good way to advertise and spread the word is to offer branded takeaway cups. This is going to be a form of marketing, as people will take notice of what other people are holding. Indeed, there is going to be a cost with this type of marketing. But, if you have a lot of people ordering takeaway drinks, it can be worth it and a good way to spread the word about your café.

Offer Comfortable Seating

You want people to come to your café and be able to relax. It is a place to socialise and meet up with family and friends. This means that you want to offer comfortable seating. This is going to be something that encourages customers to order more food and drinks, as well as stay longer. Comfortable seating can include couches and armchairs, as well as seating with cushions. While basic seating can seem more affordable, it is not enticing for customers who are looking for a little bit of luxury on their day out.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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