HomeHealthGuide to Skincare Revealed: Learn to Pamper Skin & Beat Lockdown Blues

Guide to Skincare Revealed: Learn to Pamper Skin & Beat Lockdown Blues

The skin has the most significant responsibility of protecting all internal organs of the body. It restricts the entry of any outsider pathogens into the body. Primary skincare is a must for stabilizing the skin’s health for the proper functioning of the body. When we talk about skincare, it includes both the perspective of good looking and well functioning. Medical as well as cosmetic concerns are looked over in skincare. If you don’t pay enough attention to your skin, you may get vulnerable skin diseases. One can transform this lockdown into more productive by investing time in pampering your skin with various exciting methods.

Beauty Tactics For Pampering Skin At Home

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You must know your skin type before hopping into any beauty tactic. If you have no idea, then test your skin. Wash your face properly and check it after 30 minutes with oil blotting paper/tissue. Note the results that Oily skin would soak the paper and dry skin would have flakes of skin. Some may have a combination of both dry and oily.

After knowing your skin type, you choose the appropriate product. Pampering your skin with beauty tools makes the procedure of skincare more convenient. During the lockdown, the demand for modern gadgets like skin tightening devices for home use has skyrocketed by an impressive share in most countries. Beauty experts and professionals worked on product innovation even before the epidemic, but the coronavirus pandemic hit the world so hard that it forced people to shift their habits which accelerated the trend of skincare tools ready to use at home.

General Skincare Routine

We all must be aware of basic skincare, but it’s essential to follow it in a specific order to get the right results. Here is the basic guide for all types of skin. Go through each step and confirm if you are following the correct method of skincare.

Deep Cleansing

Start your skincare with cleansing; It flushes out all dirt and germs. Choose the best cleanser for your face that has natural ingredients with a lot of foaming properties. Never select the one who wipes off all the natural oils. Deep cleansing means removing extra grease and not all of the essential oils. Ice cubes are the best cleanser for acne-prone skin. Dry skin types must use cleansers with glycerine and other ingredients to moisturize the skin layer. In contrast, oily skin types must prefer cleansers of aloe vera, charcoal, green tea, neem oil, etc.


Toner is an additional step, and one can skip this step if they don’t find it helpful. Toners bring back the natural glow of the skin. It must be applied immediately after cleansing. Rosewater is the classic toner for all skin types.


Serum fights with acne bacterias. Vitamin C serum has properties to remove tanning, wrinkles, and dark spots. Vitamin A serums have anti-aging properties; it slows down the process of skin aging and tightens the pores of the skin.


Moisturizers keep your skin hydrated all time. Try to keep your skin more hydrated, and it strengthens the skin cells. Note that day and night moisturizers are different. Both must be used in a skincare routine

Sun protection

Whether you step outside or not, you must use sunscreen daily. Experts suggest using sunscreen with at least 30 SPF or more for constant protection from UV radiations. When you are in direct exposure to the sun, you can apply sunscreen every 2 hours for safety. Over penetration of UV rays may cause skin cancer or other skin diseases.

Eye cream

Apply eye cream before you go to bed. It gives soothing effects to the eyes and improves eye bags.

Lip Care

People often forget to pamper their lips. Chapped and cracked lips make you look dull. Taking care of lips is necessary as it does not have sebaceous oil glands. Apply lip balm frequently to avoid dryness.

Sheet Masks

For the last few years, sheet masks are trending in the beauty market. Sheet masks/face masks give cooling and soothing effects to your face. It freshens your mood and skin. Different types of sheet masks like honey, clay, mud, charcoal, etc., are available. Choose the one you like the most.


Skin Problem Solutions

Acne is a general skin problem faced by most of us. It is caused by various factors of life. Food habits, hormonal changes, and stress can bring acne issues. Following a regular skincare routine would help your skin to fight against bacteria causing acne.


Also, you can get rid of other skin issues like blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads by strictly following a skincare regimen suitable to your skin type.

Build Healthy Habits for Avoiding Skin Problems

Your skincare regimen would not be helpful if your habits are not healthy. Check and improve if you are missing any of the below habits.

Improve Your Sleeping Schedule

A disturbed sleeping schedule leads to an imbalance in stress, and premature aging signs will pop up on your face. Experts recommend a sound sleep of 8 hours for maintaining healthy skin. Maintaining proper sleep hours is a must for balancing stress levels.

Eat Healthy and Nutrition Rich Food

Reduce intake of caffeine, eat colorful vegetables and fruits for the nourishment of healthy skin. Avoid too much spicy, oily, and junk food. They drive stress hormones in the body.

Look After Your Mental State Of Mind

Balancing stress levels is pivotal as it makes skin problems worse. There are various ways to keep your mind calm and fresh. Fitness workouts, yoga, meditation, etc., would divert your stress of the day and work as an aid to stay away from anxiety.


Please do what you know; many people often fail to initiate what they already know. Maybe the excuses of not having time are restraining you from working on personal care. However, the lockdown has bought us some extra free time; now, we can improve our living standards by using it wisely.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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