HomeResourcesThe Best Mozilla Firefox Add-Ons for Your Browser

The Best Mozilla Firefox Add-Ons for Your Browser

With Google Chrome’s dominance, there are just a handful of people who appreciate the power and freedom Mozilla Firefox offers. If you’ve managed to stick to your commitment with the good old Firefox, here’s news: you can make your experience way more fun with addons and plug-ins.

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From helping you keep your data private to ensure that your writing is free of grammar errors and even letting you edit PDF files, Firefox addons can change your online game. The best part? You don’t have to test different plug-ins to find out which ones work the best; we’ve done that for you!

Here’s our list of eight of the best Mozilla Firefox plug-ins and addons to make everything online a hundred times better, safer, and more fun for you.

1. Grammarly

Internally cringe every time you re-read an email that has already been sent and detect a grammar error? We get you! There’s only so much time in a day to proofread every single piece of content we send out.

Just let Grammarly do it for you. Create a Grammarly account and install its plug-in and make sure that everything you send out, from emails and newsletters to blogs and articles, are error-free—without having to read it a second time.

Not only does Grammarly catch your grammatical errors and offers suggestions to correct it, but its intelligent development also highlights words that are correct but would convey the message better if they were replaced.
If you’re a writer or send out frequent emails, this one is for you!

2. Disconnect

When you’re online, you’re never alone. It’s no secret that almost every site is tracking your data. Not anymore, though. If this unnecessary privacy invasion has started to bother you, there’s a way out: ‘Disconnect.’
We don’t mean literally.

Disconnect is a privacy plug-in that automatically tracks all sites collecting your data and simply disconnects you from those sites, helping keep your information and online activity secure and private.
What, you thought that was it? Oh no.

An added advantage of using this plug-in is that it makes surfing the internet and browsing the sites you want faster and so much easier because a significant part of the load has already been taken off your plate (we mean, your browser)

3. GreaseMonkey

Creative people are used to fixing dull and drab things and make them look beautiful and function better. It’s a shame then that many creatives can’t do much about websites when they can so clearly see all the ways they can be made more functional, beautiful, and useful!

Not anymore!

GreaseMonkey is just the extension for you. This extension lets you customize how a web page is displayed or behaves on your browser using small snippets of JavaScript. If you’re not a programmer, you can use the scripts that already exist.

However, if you know how to code, you can create your scripts and adjust web pages according to your personal preferences!

4. LastPass

Sometimes, you just have to let someone else access your account. Whether it’s someone from your team or you’ve asked your friend for help, sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. But if you’ve been looking for a way to share account access without actually spelling out your password for it, you need LastPass.

This nifty app doubles as a password vault as well as a secure access sharing tool. You no longer need to remember thousands of passwords for different apps and subscriptions when you can simply store them in LastPass and share them without issues.

So, the next time you want to share Grammarly or Canva access with one of your teammates, you know how to do it without them actually getting to know your password.

5. Clippings

Talk to a lot of people online every single day and have to repeat a lot of things? If you’re work in customer service, are tired of having to copy and paste things, again and again, this plug-in will save you a lot of time and trouble.

Clippings is a Firefox plug-in that saves frequently-used texts in small clips that you can recall every time you want to plug a specific text in somewhere. So, for example, the next time you have to list down your business packages for a customer for the hundredth time, you know you can just use clippings to access a pre-written text quickly.

What’s more, is that you can even manage clippings in different colors to show which one is more important. You can also set a shortcut key to each clipping to make typing easier, faster, and much more efficient.

6. Soda PDF

Okay, PDFs are the new paperbacks, and we know that there are thousands of PDF readers and editors available, but this one has thus far been our favorite because of the different features it boasts. Not only can you read your books and files using Soda PDF, but you also don’t need to go anywhere else to save, create, merge or annotate those files—you can do all of that with Soda PDF itself.

This plug-in offers you over 300 different formats that you can convert from, lets you directly edit your documents, and you can even create various forms. As the first functional PDF software that is light, portable, and powerful, we feel like this is a brilliant addon for your Firefox browser.

7. Darkreader

Brand yourself as a total night owl? Stay up until very late trying to read, write, work, or just Netflix until you feel sleepy? Do you wish there was a way to make the screen less damaging to your eyes while you’re at it? Well, now there is.

With Darkreader, you can adjust the color and brightness of your screen to make sure that you don’t hurt your eyes as you read or watch your favorite shows. Brilliant, easy to use, and does what it promises, this is a great plug-in to add to your Firefox browser.

Final words

Now that you know some of the best Firefox browser plug-ins to add to your browser, how about you tell us which ones you swear by? If you tried one from our list and loved it, do tell us how it went in the comments below!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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