HomeBusinessTop 7 Things Not to Do When Starting a Business

Top 7 Things Not to Do When Starting a Business

Starting a business is a heroic thing. Believe me! Overcoming the fear of failure, and ignoring the innumerable advice of your friends and family that you should probably drop the idea, is not easy. Although entrepreneurship is a word dipped in glory for the world, it is only the entrepreneur who can understand the challenges. This is why, many of us who dare to dream and start our own business are always looking for constructive advice, something that would save us from making mistakes. This post is one constructive piece of advice for you. Here I am sharing the top seven things that you must not do when starting a business.

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1. Don’t copy someone’s voice

Whether you are starting a blog, developing a product or opening a factory, make sure you are who you are. Your business should be a reflection of your personality, not the reflection of the competitors you admire or you want to beat.

Find your style. Find your voice. Reflect that through your business. Because you are unique and there is no other you in this whole world. Now how are you going to do that? Here are some quick tips:
Understand your personality and your audience. How do you want your audience to feel when they come to your website or contact your business?

Keep things simple. The punchlines, the blogs, the advertisements. Everything should be simple yet engaging. Be a natural storyteller. Write like you are speaking to your audience directly.

2. Don’t be all alone

Being a solopreneur is fascinating but after a while, it would be tiring. You would want to take a break but you will not be able to, because you have to stay committed to your business. So look for people who can help you. Try working with a bunch of freelancers. Find some advisers with whom you can brainstorm the challenges. Network with other entrepreneurs and form a community. You can still be in charge of everything without feeling all alone.

3. Don’t forget about your audience

Many times businesses become too busy in flourishing their thoughts and ideas that they forget that their audience has a voice too! A business needs to understand its target market if one wants to make an impact. You must know what problems or challenges are being faced by your audience and how your business fits in their lives.

How to know your audience?

# Be active on social media. Connect with your audience. Check their comments, ask for feedback and try to know them better.

# Conduct surveys to understand what your audience wants. For instance, a feedback survey is a great way to know what your customer liked and disliked about your business.

4. Do not underestimate yourself

Freebie marketing is quite the catch these days. Small businesses are coming up with ideas for free giveaways and gifts to lure customers. Why is that? Some businesses think that they will get more attention while other businesses think that their products might not be of much worth yet. Well, do not underestimate your products or your services.

I am not asking you to keep your prices high to indicate quality. Just keep them good enough so that some cash comes in. You might organise giveaways or free products but within limits. Undervaluing your product is just like underestimating yourself. Doubting your ideas and plans. We surely do not want that, won’t we?

5. Don’t forget to market your products

Marketing plays an important role in building your business. But many new businesses often focus on getting investors, creating high-quality products or services. They pay less attention to whether they are marketing their products right. Some businesses do not consider marketing their products because they are still experimenting with them. They want them to be perfect before they start their marketing campaigns. Well, that is not right.

Here are some effective marketing tips for a new business

# Start marketing before you even start your businesses. Try building your brand’s reputation from day one. Bring curiosity among your audience regarding your products. Let them know what is coming!

# You have various marketing channels. Utilise them. For example, social media marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing and more!

# Be clear with your message. No one is looking for jargon or the same old stories. Focus on your uniqueness. Win hearts!

# If your budget allows, run some ads. You can choose Google Ads or Social Media Ads. They are easy and effective.

6. Do not lose hope

Starting a business is difficult. It is challenging. It requires dedication and commitment. It would not just flourish on its own. You have to work for it. But amidst these hardships, do not lose sight of your dream. Be clear with why you wanted to start the business in the first place and make sure you are reaching your goals. Prioritise things in your life so that you can keep up with both, your business and your personal life.

7. Do not work without a list

My last and probably the most important tip while starting a new business is being organised. So much will be happening around you. There will be calls to make, ideas to pitch and there will be your personal life as well. So make sure you know what you have to do. In other words, prioritise your tasks. Have a to-do list for every day so that you can be more productive. Develop routines and rituals for yourself. Stay organised if you want to succeed.

These were the top 7 things that you must not do when starting a business. It could be a rocky road out there, starting a business of yours. But, with a little focus and organisation, you can reach your goals within time. Make sure you stay authentic and organised. Seek help if you must and never stop believing in yourself!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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