HomeBlogHow is Digital Marketing Best for a Leading Career in the Future?

How is Digital Marketing Best for a Leading Career in the Future?

59.5% of the entire population uses the internet actively (As of January 2021) that creates a new medium to spread the word and gives rise to Digital Media.

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With a new medium, new methods are developed to efficiently use that medium and in the case of Digital Media, Digital Marketing is the tool of utmost importance!!!

Digital Marketing is a very common term we hear often. We see jobs, we see posters, and we see people talking about how they are making great money out of it.

What’s Digital Marketing You Ask?

Digital Marketing is the use of electronic devices and the World Wide Web to reach customers. When you get emails e.g. “Kieve Summer Camps is back”, that’s Digital Marketing. It matters because it’s a way to catch attention where attention actually is. With more people spending an average of 145 min online as of 2019-2020 (According to Statistic) smart marketing and that means digital marketing, becomes highly valued.

How Digital Marketing Will Become the Future!

Digital marketing has two main branches:

# Online Marketing
# Offline Marketing

In this article, we will talk about online marketing only. Below are 3 of the many areas of Digital Marketing with their benefits that should be considered as a career path.


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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of making your content rank high on Google Search Engine. The pages you see ranking at the top like Wikipedia, are optimized to rank high on search engines. In 2019 there were 1.72 Billion websites and that shows the competition in the field of SEO to rank high.

Websites today need SEO professionals more than ever to bring their sites to the front page. SEO brings trust and credibility to a brand, it brings insights into customer behavior, is a great long-term strategy, and most importantly brings a company to the public eye. It’s vital for a flourishing business and thus offers a great opportunity for a promising career.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is basically the use of relatable content to develop a strong relationship with the audience to increase customer loyalty. It’s a long-term strategy and is all about telling a story to connect with customers.

Through blogs, articles, and high-quality content on a website people can rank high on Google and attract customer attention. 75% of internet users click a site for information (According to Neil Patel) and that is where great content will make them understand and trust the brand. For high-quality content that brings in customers, skilled professionals are always required. This area offers a wide scope for you to explore and consider.

Email and Mobile marketing

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According to a 2020 article by Smart Insights, Email Marketing beats every marketing strategy making it the most effective channel to reach customers. With a predicted, 376 billion emails being exchanged by 2025 emails are a great place to find a huge crowd.

About mobile marketing, according to statistics, 4.32 Billion people use mobile phones to access the internet and that is a huge number of people you can reach through mobile marketing. As the number of cell phone users is expected to rise the impact of mobile marketing will surely rise.

If you take your own example, how many magazine ads do you really go through? Or how many times did you completely read an ad on a billboard? Not much right!!! Compared to that how many ads catch your attention on your cell phone. Probably a little too much!

That is why mobile marketing is a great way to reach customers who are carelessly scrolling online. With mobile bringing half the traffic to the internet (According to Statistica), companies are focusing more on making their sites mobile-friendly. So if you find a place in mobile marketing you should definitely give it a thought!!!


We are members of an Era where most operations have been taken online. From online banking to online freelance jobs and online events, we are very dependent on online services. The 2019 Pandemic has made it even clearer that the internet is the future of a successful business and so it brings our attention to how it can shape a career path.

As a career Digital Marketing provides a platform for an individual to grow where growth is exponential. There are endless possibilities where you can work for someone or open your own business. We recommend you explore it more on your own and we assure you that you will find the perfect job that will help you evolve as a great professional!!!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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