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Why Having an App For Business Is More Important Than Having a Website?

We are living in the mobile era or in an age in which mobile apps dominate everything. Naturally, many businesses across all niches and sizes are embracing mobile apps and downplaying their website presence. In the past, many companies finally switched from web apps to mobile apps.

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But still, most businesses find it a confusing choice. In which way should they turn? Are their mobile websites enough to remain appealing to most smartphone users, or should they need mobile apps? Before you hire remote developers for an app project, understanding the advantages apps can offer over your business website is essential.

Here we are to explain how mobile apps have the edge over websites. Let’s start.

Enhanced Personalization

Personalization is something every digital solution is ardently after these days. Most businesses prefer highly tailored communication to address their users, as this has proved to be highly effective for business conversion. Addressing customers based on their preferences, interests, user behaviour, location, and other factors can ensure more customer satisfaction and increased business conversion.

Mobile apps are more equipped to help users express their preferences, location and context-specific data to get customized content and individual-specific user experience. In contrast, websites have limited scope to personalize user experience and content.

Easy Communication through Notifications

While email remained a powerful communication tool for businesses for several decades, it has now faded away thanks to the renewed emergence of mobile app notifications and its power to communicate with users instantly and in a more context-aware manner.

Whether with push notifications or with in-app notifications, mobile apps can communicate with users in a highly context-driven and personalized manner. It has been found that mobile app notifications enjoy a higher click-through rate and business conversion than all other communication methods.

Mobile app notifications, apart from promoting services and products, can also keep users informed and update the users about the new content, delivery of items and latest arrival of things from time to time. Notifications in the context of the e-commerce stores can play a tremendously effective role in retargeting customers and bringing back the customers who abandoned shopping carts.

Utilizing Device Features to the Optimum

Mobile apps closely integrated with the native operating system and the device functions can allow easy access to all native device features and ensure a better user experience by utilizing the device camera, GPS, accelerometer, compass, calendar, phone and contact, etc.

This close collaboration involving device features will ensure a far better user experience for the app users and help to save their precious time doing simple things. From uploading an image to tracking the location data, all can be done quickly while using a mobile app.

Offline Access

One of the fundamental ways an app offers more ease and satisfactory user experience is by providing offline access to certain features and the app content by using local device caching. In contrast, websites typically relying entirely on internet connectivity may not offer such comprehensive offline access.

Even while remaining offline, a mobile app can allow editing a list, reading text, browsing products already added in shopping carts, using image editing, and carrying out several internet independent tasks. Even when the home again is connected, all this offline data can be updated or synced instantly.

Robust Branding

By offering a distinct and more brilliant look and feel, a mobile app enjoys an edge over the business website and helps engage the audience and create a better brand image. By being closely integrated with the native platform, a mobile business app offers a neat, well organized and highly organic countenance compared to traditional websites.

Mobile apps by offering sophisticated features and allowing a lot of customization in terms of user interface and user experience can further strengthen this brand presence.

Since today’s users spend a whole lot of time looking at their handheld devices and are restless enough for the browser to open a website and allow them access to a specific feature, mobile apps offer the handiest tool to communicate and satisfy customers.

The increasing popularity of an app can be attributed to the sophisticated user experience and the unique app features that other apps fail to provide. Thanks to these user experience attributes and app features, a business can emerge as a famous brand while still offering the same kind of services as its competitors. Thus a mobile app can help you turn the level playing field in your favour.

The best thing is a great app can always bring a business to the public’s attention, and even while some users no longer use the app, they fondly remember the company because of the app.

Apps Offer Instant Access to a Business

Last but not the least of these benefits is the fast-paced performance of apps that work faster than websites and provide instant access to businesses. Apps store the data locally on the devices and offer instantly accessible tap targets on the screen work like always open and always accessible shopfronts.

Using JavaScript code for the vast majority of tasks and relying less on server-side responses, Mobile apps load faster and give quicker responses to user inputs.


Mobile apps already won the battle by miles against the websites, and they hold the key to the success of most digitized brands and businesses embracing digitization. But mobile apps are of different types in respect of technical superiority and capabilities. In the years to come, cutting edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, multi-cloud support, intelligent chatbots, voice interactions, AR and VR, etc., play a decisive role in shaping the success of mobile apps.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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