HomeTravelTips for Moving Overseas at Low Budget

Tips for Moving Overseas at Low Budget

Everybody wants to travel overseas, especially if you have never traveled out of your country before. Traveling overseas is fun and a great adventure for people that can afford it. I can say that not everyone can afford the expenses of traveling abroad. Traveling abroad can be so stressful especially during the processing period, for example when you have to process your Visa, get it approved, and get a traveling date. This is a whole lot of work. Applying for a Visa to travel abroad can be difficult in some countries and might not be difficult for others. Apart from the stress of applying for a visa, the cost of traveling overseas is a whole lot of money. When you want to travel overseas, depending on if you want to stay there for long, then you will have to move your loads using international movers who help people move their loads abroad. So, if you are looking to travel abroad and you want to know how to do it in a very cheap way then you are in the right place as we have compiled some simple tips which you can follow while moving overseas at low budget.

1: Reduce Your Loads

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As we have said earlier, the cost of moving overseas is very high. So, if you are moving overseas with enormous loads, then be ready to pay the extra cost for international movers to help you ship your loads.

To minimize the cost of traveling overseas, you should reduce your loads to the barest minimum. You may consider selling some of the big electronics you own and buying them back. Give some wooden properties to your neighbors or family friends around. All these are to make sure you cut down the cost of traveling overseas.

2: Do Not Ship Your Loads by Air

One of the greatest mistakes people make when traveling overseas that increases their cost of transportation is transporting their loads by air.

When you contact an international mover, they will probably send you three price quotes, one for moving your goods by air, another one for moving it by sea, and the last one by land.

If you compare this price, you will be shocked that the one with the higher price is moving your goods by air. This is because it’s fast and reliable but this is not an option for people traveling overseas with a low budget.

Although the three methods have their advantages and disadvantages, shipping by air is faster and expensive, by sea is a bit cheaper but will take a long time. So, you have to sacrifice the time for a cheaper price by shipping your loads by sea.

3: Get Prices from Three Different Shipping Companies

Another trick to reduce the cost of moving abroad is contacting about three different moving companies and get their prices. Before choosing the three moving companies you want to work with, check out their reviews and websites.

Contact them and get their prices, obviously, you will want to go for the cheapest one but be careful so as not to fall victim to a scam company. A cheap price sometimes means low-quality service. Compare the price, the service they will offer and the time frame of delivering your loads to your destination.

4: Move at the Right Time

The time you scheduled to travel also plays a big part in determining the cost of shipping your goods. Research says traveling around October to April is relatively cheaper by 20-30% than traveling during the summer.

The month you are traveling also matters if you want to rent a truck to transport your load or employ the service of a mover. If you move during the middle of the month, you are like to save yourself some money because the moving company is fully occupied during the beginning and end of the month.

So, plan to travel from October to April rather than in the summer month or during the mid-month rather than the beginning of the month or month-end.

5: Buy Your Flight Ticket at the Right Time

This should be the most important point for you if you are looking to travel overseas with a low budget. You should have chosen to ship your heavy luggage through the sea to cut down costs but definitely, you will be traveling by air.

So, it is necessary to plan and buy a cheap ticket, it might not necessarily be the time you wish to travel, but you can as well get your ticket down and postpone the date of flying. It’s best to get your tickets immediately when they are being released.

Some experts advise that getting your ticket on Sundays is relatively cheaper than other days of the week.


These are the ways you can travel abroad with a low budget; plan and you won’t be disappointed. Get your ticket early enough and do away with your heavy loads and by that, you will be sure to travel overseas cheaply.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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