HomeTechMythbusters: Popular Myths About Machine Learning

Mythbusters: Popular Myths About Machine Learning

In this digital era, terminology like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data are reverberating at such high frequency that one can undoubtedly get confused understanding the basics of these technologies. With the rise of these solutions and services, countless myths revolve around the adoption, Practice, and implementation of these services.

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So, before we get to know about the myths, let us first understand what technology, Machine Learning is all about? Why do we need to use this, and why are the myths encircling this profound technology often confusing even among tech-savvies?

Machine Learning is the most muscular arm of Artificial Intelligence that enables the computer system to learn from past experiences like humans. This results in the enhancement of performance about speed and accuracy without any need for external programming.

What are the common Myths Encompassing this Technology?

>As discussed, numerous inevitable myths tend to bring a line of entangling thoughts when it comes to knowing this technology’s specification.
Few among them are:

1. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning are synonyms of Each Other:

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that enables machines to replicate human behaviour to a great extent. A layman often perceives this technology as a terminator holding a machine gun, fighting against the prejudices to sustain life.

Ironically the objective of AI is to transform the computer system into an intelligent network and make them work as intelligent human beings.

Machine learning is pretty different from AI; ML is a part of Artificial Intelligence that allows the machine to learn from past confrontation and observation without getting explicitly programmed. The more data the system will come across, the better the possibility of bright and reinforced performance within the system will be.

2. ML Will Take Over Every Job Opportunity:

The anxiety of losing the job due to the growth of Machine Learning is silently lurking in the dark. Nevertheless, many technical folks presume that the working profile like Data analyst, sales, Services, and many more will be inequitably dominated by machines. Although the fact can be true to some extent, there cannot be any rational conviction that ML will replace every job profile. Machine Learning would elegantly transform the work culture and allow the enterprises to work faster with a better return of investment (ROI), but will this technology eradicate humans as a resource is still a hot topic for the argument.

3. ML requires a Huge Amount of Data:

Individuals regularly say that you need to approach huge amounts of information for ML to be successful. It is actually the case that more quality information will quite often give you better execution. But ML does not necessarily require an avalanche of databases to perform well. The system only has to come across a relevant database to perform faster and give an accurate result. The quality of data has to be definitely ensured, but there is no hard and fast rule that you need to commission a flood of the database.

4. We are Near to Superintelligence!

To be precise, the machine is not yet more intelligent than the creator. ML is a part of Artificial Intelligence, and we are still far away from Artificial superintelligence. From a practical standpoint, Artificial superintelligence (ASI) will hold the technology of teleporting and colonizing mars. These happenings are not yet possible. We can assume that there would be a time when human existence will reckon on ASI, but we are currently residing far away from the era. Nobody can analyse that what will be the drawbacks and challenges to achieve the niche of artificial superintelligence, but as of now, unlike many myths of its current practical implementation, we are moving far behind.

5. Only Bigger Businesses Can Afford to Invest in Machine Learning:

At the point when business pioneers think about the ideas of AI and progressed AI, many expect they are open just too huge worldwide players with heaps of assets. That’s absolutely not the case. Whether you are having a small firm or a large enterprise, The technology of Machine Learning is indeed cost-effective and open to all. One has to realise that the adoption of machine learning is more of a journey, and you can easily adapt it irrespective of the size of your company.

Choose Machine Learning!

The market is saturated with countless service providers in Machine Learning, but few of them, like Bitscape, have the actual proficiency to take your business to the new height regarding productivity and serviceability. The more you dive deep into the technology, the Better will be the automation and functionality.

So, If you haven’t yet adopted the magnificent technology, Do get connected with an effective Machine learning consultant or solution and service provider and let your business create a vibrant benchmark in the market.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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